3 Explanations for Why God Took a Relationship Away from You

Romans 8:28-32

Why did God allow you to lose a relationship with someone that you really loved? If God is all powerful and all loving, couldn’t he have made the relationship work rather than letting it all fall apart? We know we have free will and we can’t blame God for our bad choices, but what if we didn’t do anything wrong? And if we did do something wrong, why didn’t he stop us?

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5 Signs God Is Telling You It’s Time to Emotionally Detach from Someone

Proverbs 4:23

In a recent video and article called 5 Biblical Rules to Emotionally Detach from Someone, I asked viewers if they wanted me to also talk about how to when God is leading you to emotionally detach. Many said they did want this content, so here 5 signs God is leading you to emotionally detach from someone.

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