Here are 5 biblical rules you can follow if you want to emotionally detach from someone.
5 Biblical Things You Should Do If You Need to Stop Thinking About a Certain Woman
If you know you need to stop thinking about a certain woman, here are 5 biblical things you should do.
4 Reasons Your Heart Still Hurts After a Breakup a Long Time Ago
Whether it be a few weeks, a few months, or many years ago, sometimes your heart can keep hurting after a breakup for much longer than you expected. Why does this happen?
4 Signs God Does Not Want You to Let that Person Go
Do you have strong feelings for someone that you don’t know what to do with? Have you been waiting for a man to pursue you? Have you been hoping a woman finally shows interest in you? Is God telling you to keep hoping or to move on?
4 Signs God Is Warning You About a Selfish Person You Must Avoid
In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Paul warns us that in the last days, people will be “loves of self.” He then clearly tells us to “Avoid such people.”
4 Reasons God Is Not Removing Your Thoughts About a Man
Do think about that man because God wants you with him one day? Or are you thinking about him so much because you are choosing to not let him go even though God wants you to move on? Is it all so stressful that you wish God would just remove your thoughts about this man?
Unrequited Love: Its Causes and Cure from a Biblical Perspective
The term “unrequited love” refers to those relationship situations where you like someone more than they like you. This may occur when you like a friend who has no idea you have feelings for them. This may occur when your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you even though you wanted the relationship to continue. Or this may occur when you see a stranger over and over again and you form a strong desire for this person even though they don’t know you exist.
7 Physical Afflictions that Occur When People Displease God
It would be unbiblical to assume that every physical affliction we experience is due to our disobedience towards God. God is very gracious towards us and he is eager to spare us of the punishment we deserve (2 Peter 3:9). In fact, this is the very reason Jesus came. He died the death we deserved so we could live free with him forever (2 Corinthians 5:21).
4 Reasons You Feel So Attached to a Man Even Though He’s Not in Your Life Anymore
Have you tried to stop thinking about a certain man but for some reason you just can’t? Why won’t God remove your feelings for a man who’s not in your life anymore? Is there any hope of this ever changing, or will you always feel this way about this guy?