Many Christians have been blessed with a godly marriage once they stopped trying to find a spouse. Many people found their dream job once they decided to just be content at their current place of employment. And many people actually got back together with their ex that they still loved once they decided they had to let this person go.
12 Signs God Is Talking to You
There are basically three primary categories through which God speaks to his people: the Bible, the Holy Spirit in our hearts, and the circumstances in our lives. But each one of these categories is very in-depth and can be expressed in multiple ways.
4 Steps to Receive Clear Guidance from God
Here are 4 biblical steps to take when you need guidance from God.
3 Signs God Is Positioning You for Increase
Here are 3 signs God is positioning you for his provision and increase.
3 Ways to Pray About Finding a Spouse that Actually Work
We can’t manipulate God. If he doesn’t want to give you something, he won’t give it to you (1 John 5:14-15).
What Does the Bible Say About Planning Too Much?
What does the Bible say about planning too much? Here are 4 signs God is telling you to stop planning so much.
4 Ways God Will Send You a Sign Through the Bible
One of the primary ways God communicates to his people is through the Bible. But how, exactly, will God speak to you personally through the Scriptures?
4 Signs God Is Saying, “Just Try”
Sometimes you are confused because you are waiting too long for clarity. Here are 4 signs that often mean God is saying, “Just try.”
3 Signs God Is Saying, “Your Time Is Coming!”
Here are 3 instances where God is often saying, “Your time is coming!”
When You Want Something You Can’t Get, God Says . . .
Perhaps you want to be married, but no matter what you try you can’t seem to meet anyone. Perhaps you want a better career, but no matter how many applications you fill out, the phone never rings. Or perhaps you are watching someone you love make really destructive decisions and are faced with the cold reality that you are totally unable to convince them to change.