When you desire something very strongly, it can feel risky to actually hope for it. When it comes to marriage, sometimes people desire it so much that they are unable to admit it because they are afraid of being disappointed if it doesn’t happen one day. Ironically, they can become hopeless about the thing they hope God will give them one day.
4 Reasons Your Heart Still Hurts After a Breakup a Long Time Ago
Whether it be a few weeks, a few months, or many years ago, sometimes your heart can keep hurting after a breakup for much longer than you expected. Why does this happen?
How to Meet Your Husband According to the Bible
Here are 7 biblical ways a Christian single woman can meet her future husband.
3 Ways a Deep Thinker Pursues a Woman
If you are a Christian single woman, one of the most confusing types of guys is the “deep thinker.”
5 Feelings You Do Not Need to Have When You Meet The One
Here are 5 feelings you don’t need to have when you first meet the person God wants you to marry one day.
5 Things God Will Tell Your Future Husband So He Knows You’re His Future Wife
How will God lead your future husband to pursue you?
4 Reasons God Is Allowing It to Be So Hard to Meet Someone
Why is God allowing it to be so hard to meet someone?
3 Signs God Is Saying, “I Approve”
Are you asking God a question about a relationship desire you have? Or perhaps you are wondering if the relationship you are in right now is pleasing to the Lord? Or maybe you want to pursue singleness but you are unsure if God would rather you pursue marriage?
5 Unhelpful Things the Church Needs to Stop Saying to Christian Singles Who Want to Be Married
Some churches are doing a great job in loving Christians singles who desire marriage. Some pastors and congregants offer biblical advice that validates this biblical desire for a relationship and helps support the Christian single person navigating singleness.
4 Signs God Has Called a Man to a Life of Singleness
Here are 4 signs that usually mean God has called a man to life of singleness.