Clarity: See God’s Larger Story and Know His Specific Path for Your Life in 31 Days

Is your world hazy? Feeling stuck? Are you wondering what is God’s will for your life? Or perhaps you feel your lack of direction in life is because you got off of God’s path and you can’t quite find your way back. This is not what God wants for you.

Life will always be confusing, God usually doesn’t give us more light than we need to just see the next step to take, but through the pages of God’s larger story, he desires for us to have purpose, passion, and meaningful direction. God wants to give you clarity.

In 31 short daily devotions, Clarity will help you see:

  • How to know what the plot to God’s larger story is and your part to play
  • How to live with purpose for the glory of God
  • How to rightly align your priorities in a busy world
  • How to decipher the difference between your identity in Christ and your role on earth
  • How to discover God’s specific plan and purpose for you through the desires he’s given you
  • How to prepare for storms in life “when”, not “if”, they come
  • How to be free to love in your most important relationships because of forgiveness
  • How to prepare in private for what God wants to do through you in public
  • How to find the mentor you’ve always wanted and needed
  • How to deal with death, disappointment, and loss through the “resurrection chapters” ahead
  • How to live a joyful life despite difficult, external circumstances
  • How to love God and feel his love like you’ve always desired
  • And so much more!


Clarity Book Cover 2To get your copy, simply click here.

God bless and enjoy!

Mark Ballenger
Founder of AGW Ministries