Get Your FREE Copy of My New Book: Intertwined (But Just for Today!)

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Intertwined by Mark Ballenger

While a perfect world would be great, that’s not the solution God is offering us right now. God isn’t going to always change our life circumstances every time we feel unhappy. But he can always change our perception of our circumstances.

If you give your job, your friends, your social media account,  your spouse, your kids, your health, your boyfriend or girlfriend, your ministry, your finances, or anything else the power to make you happy . . . you also give these things the power to make you unhappy.

Whatever you use to fill yourself up you also give the power to make you feel empty. When you tie your joy to your ever changing life circumstances, your joy will never be stable. Our pain is pointing us to a problem. Our hurt is telling us there is something wrong. But what is it?

It has to do with our design. Why did God make you? What is God’s purpose for your life? What is he trying to do through all the things he is allowing to happen? What is the answer out hearts are always searching for?

Glory. Yes, I know that sounds religious, but that’s the problem! We need to rediscover what the “Glory of God” actually means and how it applies to everything in your life.

When you intertwine your pursuit of happiness with the glory of God, you will quickly discover these two paths have been one in the same this whole time.

I want you to read this book so bad I’m going to give it to you for free. But just between 8/18/2017 and 8/19/2017!

I’ve worked out a deal with Amazon where we will give the Kindle eBook version of Intertwined away totally free, no strings attached. If you don’t have a Kindle, no worries! You can download the Kindle App for FREE and read any Kindle book on any device whenever you want.

I hope you get a free copy of Intertwined!

For God’s glory and our good,


Published by

Mark Ballenger is the writing ministry of Mark Ballenger. To reach Mark, send him an email anytime:

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