3 Signs God Is Leading You Into a Storm

Matthew 14:22-33

Symbolically, a hard season in life can be referred to as a “storm.” Throughout the Bible we see that some of God’s greatest gifts are often given to us through the hardest of situations.

So here are 3 signs God is leading you into a storm for your good.

1. If Something Hard Is Happening That You Did Not Create Because of Poor Personal Choices, This Could Be a Sign God Is Leading You Into a Storm

There are different types of “trials” in life. Sometimes we create our own trials through poor personal choices. We can’t blame God when we do unwise things and then reap what we sow. For as Psalm 37:14-15 states, “The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose way is upright; their sword shall enter their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.”

So it is not a sign that God is leading you into a storm when the difficult thing you are going through was caused by your own unwise actions. However, sometimes difficult things happen even when we are obeying God and living wisely.

It’s in these moments where we should assume that God has lessons to teach us and good to produce in our lives through this storm.

2. If God Is Showing You More of His Character Through This Trial, This Could Be a Sign God Is Leading You Into This Storm

Perhaps the best example of all this is when Jesus lea his disciples into a literal storm as described in Matthew 14:22-33. In Matthew 14:22 it states, “Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds.”

Just a few verses later a storm arises and the disciples are in real trouble. Jesus sees this from land and then actually walks on the water towards them. This is one of Jesus’ most famous miracles but it also one of his strangest. Why did he do this? What was the point of walking on the water? What lesson was he teaching his disciples through this miracle?

Jesus wasn’t showing off. Jesus was teaching his disciples who he really was through this event. Notice the end result of this whole event mentioned in Matthew 14:32-33, “And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’”

Because Jesus sent his disciples into the storm and then saved them, they received a far more important gift than their physical lives. They were not just rescued from physical drowning, but through this storm they became aware that Jesus is God and worthy of worship.

If God is teaching you more and more about who he truly is through this trial, this is a sign he is the one leading you through this storm.

3. God Will Always Lead You Out of Any Storm He Led You Into

Just as we saw how in Matthew 14 Jesus was the one who led the disciples into that storm, we also saw that Jesus was the one who brought them out of that storm as well.

God often does things that can seem very unloving and confusing. Sometimes he makes us go through things in life that we would never choose to go through ourselves. But the key biblical truth to remember is that God will always bring you through any trial if you truly depend on him. Isaiah 43:1-3 states:

Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.”

I love this passage so much that I even had it read during our ceremony when Bethany and I were married. It was kind of funny actually to see the people’s faces when they heard the words of this passage. It’s not the type of verse most people read at a wedding. It’s not particularly romantic.

But the reason I chose this passage was because I knew that God would not show his love for Bethany and I through sparing us of trials and pain in our marriage. Rather, God would show us his love by bringing us through the storms of life. And he has, over and over again God has remained faithful to us through all the good times and bad.

Notice it says “When you pass through the waters” and “when you walk through the fire.” We might not always like this truth, but God will not spare us of storms just because he loves us. Rather, God loves us so much he will sometimes lead us into the storms so we will actually grow closer to him and become more aware of his power to save.

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