Currently my most watched video on YouTube is called 4 Signs God Is Protecting You from a Bad Relationship. In this article, I’m going to give you 4 more important signs to also look for if you sense that God is trying to protect you from getting into a bad relationship.
And on one quick side note, I also wanted to let you know that just today I opened a limited amount of new enrollment spots in AGW University. AGW University is where you can go to the next level of relationship training with me. I’m currently offering 3 relationship training courses, which is a total of 28 in-depth biblical sessions, meant specifically for Christian singles who desire to glorify God in marriage one day. All the courses are in video and writing and by enrolling you get lifetime access to this really important content.
And if you enroll before Tuesday, August 20th at 11:59pm EST, I’m also giving you three months of private email coaching with me and access to a private Facebook group where you can interact with all the other AGW Students. Through the email coaching, you can share your personal story with me and I can help you apply the course content to the unique and specific variables in your life. Email coaching spots are limited so I would not delay enrolling if you really want this added bonus. The private Facebook group is where you can get to know all the other Christian single men and women who are also enrolled in AGW University. In the group, students pose interesting questions to each other and I also do regular Q&A sessions with all the group members.
You can actually see an overview of all the course content before enrolling, so again, if you are at all interested, I would encourage you to visit AGW University before August 20th at 11:59pm EST. There are many more benefits to AGW University that I can’t fully unpack here, so if you are interested, you can click here to learn more.
With that said, let’s dive into this article.
1. If the Relationship Ends Due to This Person’s Commitment Issues, This Is a Sign That God Is Protecting You from a Bad Relationship
Contrary to popular belief, your affectionate feelings for someone are not what will fuel the commitment in the relationship. In reality, your commitment towards someone will actually fuel your feelings of affection for him or her.
With no commitment, the relationship will always end as soon as anything hard happens. But when a couple is committed, their loyalty towards one another will get them through the hard times and then allow them to feel affection for one another again once the storm passes.
Therefore, if someone leaves you while you are dating because they have commitment issues, while this will be very painful, in actuality God is sparing you more pain by allowing this issue to come up now rather than later.
2. If This Person Was Caught Cheating on You, This Is a Sign God Is Protecting You from a Bad Relationship
The only thing worse than being cheated on is to remain with someone who continues to cheat on you even though you don’t even know it. While it is deeply painful to be betrayed, it would be far worse if this person kept cheating on you and you continued to be in this relationship for even longer than you were.
A Christian marriage should reflect Christ’s and the church’s faithfulness towards one another as Ephesians 5:22-33 explains. If someone cheats on you before marriage, this means they are not the one God wants you to be in a healthy Christian marriage with someday. So when God exposes someone’s disloyalty towards you, this is a sign God is seeking to protect you from being in a bad relationship.
3. If This Person Broke Up with You Because They Blamed You for Not Making Them Happy, This Is a Sign God Is Protecting You from a Bad Relationship
Sometimes two Christians break up in very mature ways. They express why they feel things are not working out and they go their separate paths. At other times, however, people break up for very immature reasons. Perhaps the most common reasons people break up is because one person becomes unhappy with the other person.
In one sense there is nothing wrong with this because you should want to be in the relationship you are in. You should enjoy the other person and desire to be with him or her. But sometimes idolatry is actually at work and people are asking their boyfriend or girlfriend to make them happy in ways that are impossible for any human to do.
God is the only one who can truly satisfy our hearts, so if someone breaks up with you because they wanted you to be their god, this is actually a sign the Lord is protecting you from a bad relationship. As 1 John 5:21 states, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”
4. If This Person Left You Because They Felt You Were Holding Them Back from Living a Sinful Lifestyle, This Is a Sign God Is Protecting You from a Bad Relationship
Most Christians know about the dangers of being in unequally yoked relationships as 2 Corinthians 6:14 talks about. One reason these types of relationships can never be healthy is because when someone is not seeking to please God in their life, their main desire will be to please themselves.
Therefore, if you are trying to resist sin in your life and this person wants to gratify their flesh with sin in their life, eventually they will start to look at you and feel like you are holding them back from living the type of sinful lifestyle they really desire.
So if this person leaves you because you are not living in enough sin for them, this is actually a sign God is protecting you from being in a bad relationship.
If you want biblical relationship advice that can help you meet the one God might have for you, don’t forget to visit AGW University by clicking here. And if you enroll before August 20th 11:59pm EST, you will get lifetime access to all 28 in-depth classes, you will also get 3 months of personalized email coaching with me, and you will receive lifetime access to the private Facebook group for AGW Students only. Spots are limited so don’t delay if you are interested. I’ve worked with over 200 students thus far and I would love to work with you too!
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