5 External Things that Happen When God Is Really Sending You a Message

Psalm 119:103-104

God will send us messages through his Spirit that we can detect internally. However, these can more easily be misunderstood or fabricated through our own desires.

Therefore, here are 5 things that will happen externally when God is really sending you a message.

1. When God Is Really Sending You a Message, the Circumstances Will Prevent You from Missing the Meaning

I was recently talking with a man who was convinced that a female YouTuber was romantically interested in him. His reasoning, however, was very weak in my opinion. He believed she liked him romantically because she responded positively to a comment. He believed that she had never responded positively like that to any other comment. I’ll spare you all the details; my opinion of this situation was that this man was totally reading into things and this YouTuber definitely did not know who he was or like him romantically.

This is an example of attaching your own meaning to external facts that could be interpreted anyway you want if you try hard enough. However, when God is really sending you a message, the external evidence will prevent you from missing the actual meaning (Acts 16:6-10).

For example, if a man sends a message to a woman that he likes and invites her on a date and she says yes, that is not good evidence they will get married one day. You would have to attach extra meaning to these facts in order to believe that was the message. However, her saying yes to a date is good evidence she is interested.

The point is, when God is really sending a message, he will communicate things clearly (1 Corinthians 14:33).

2. When God Is Really Sending You a Message, the Outcome of Following that Message Will Result in More Glory to God

You can often know what is from God or not from God by following the logical conclusion of doing what you feel led to do. Will your actions be pleasing to the Lord in an obvious way? Or are you jumping through mental hoops in order to justify how this could possibly glorify God in a very roundabout way that is clearly wishful thinking?

Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” When God is truly leading, it will lead to his glorification (1 Corinthians 10:31).

3. When God Is Really Sending You a Message, You Will Be Led into Loving Action for Other People

When God sent Paul a message, notice that it resulted in Paul being led to serve other people (1 Corinthians 15:10, Acts 9:15).

Likewise, while you are probably not going to receive a vision because God has now put his Spirit in you and given you the Bible to read, the Holy Spirit will speak specific messages to you that are relevant for your life circumstances. However, when doing this, he will also be helping you apply biblical commands in specific ways in your life. While there will be specific activities he is leading you to do, big picture, he will be helping you love others through his power (1 Corinthians 16:14).

If the message is not about how to love him and others, it’s not obvious this message is actually from God. But when you feel led to love God or another person or group of people in a specific way, this external outcome of giving love is a great sign this message was really from God.

4. When God Is Really Sending You a Message, It Will Be Timely and Relevant

Isaiah 43:19, “I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” The wilderness is wild and chaotic. If a path appeared, it would be obvious among the overgrowth. A desert is dry and waterless. A river will stick out among the endless miles of sand.

Likewise, many times God helps us know a message is really from him by giving us a pressing need for that message. When you have a burning question or a debilitating lack of direction, you will know when God has given you the answer. The burning question will be solved or your lack of direction will be replaced with purpose and a clear way forward.

When it’s timely and relevant to your need, this is a great sign God is truly speaking to you.

5. When God Is Really Sending You a Message, It Will Be Consistent with Scripture

If it’s not biblical, it’s not from God.

Psalm 119:103-104, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.”

Relates Article: 6 Physical Signs God Is Saying Something to You