Write and Fight in the Darkest of Nights

A Poem

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. – Romans 12:21

Trapped in my study, pounding on the keys,

I’m afraid of what I might do if I think too much of me.

I could go down stairs and spend my time in earthly pleasures,

Or I can resist the false self by writing these letters.

It’s more than that though, more than just typing,

In reality I am trying to stay alive, I am fighting.

My soul is at stake, my very story is being written,

For my sinful nature is lurking, and this time I seek to remain un-bitten.

Overcome evil with good, that’s the plan tonight,

If I leave this room too early, I may be leaving the light.

Keep writing Mark, seek to express what you’ve been told,

Key after key the gospel story will eventually become un-old.

Reminding myself of all that I’ve been taught,

I must keep writing about Him to remember I have been bought.

Ah yes, now the inward burning is beginning to fade,

For when my heart rests in him there my burdens are laid.

I must remind myself day after day, night after night,

That to please and know God is always worth the fight.