Whenever we have a specific question that is not directly mentioned in the Bible, we must apply relevant biblical principles in a wise way.
Mark Ballenger
How to Meet Your Husband According to the Bible
Here are 7 biblical ways a Christian single woman can meet her future husband.
4 Reasons God Has Not Ended an Unwanted Season for You Yet
Are you in an unwanted season? Perhaps you are single but you really long to be married. Maybe you are faithfully working at job you hate but you desperately want to work somewhere else. Or perhaps you feel isolated and you are longing for more meaningful relationships.
3 Ways a Deep Thinker Pursues a Woman
If you are a Christian single woman, one of the most confusing types of guys is the “deep thinker.”
5 Feelings You Do Not Need to Have When You Meet The One
Here are 5 feelings you don’t need to have when you first meet the person God wants you to marry one day.
5 Things God Will Tell Your Future Husband So He Knows You’re His Future Wife
How will God lead your future husband to pursue you?
5 Motives God Wants You to Have So He Can Bless You with Marriage
James 4:3 (NIV), “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” Is this the only verse that can explain why you are not married even though you really want a spouse? Of course not!
4 Reasons God Is Allowing It to Be So Hard to Meet Someone
Why is God allowing it to be so hard to meet someone?
5 Biblical Signs that Mean She’s Playing You
When I’m using the phrase “she’s playing you” in this article, I’m referring to a woman who is using you in a selfish way without you realizing it.
3 Signs God Is Saying, “I Approve”
Are you asking God a question about a relationship desire you have? Or perhaps you are wondering if the relationship you are in right now is pleasing to the Lord? Or maybe you want to pursue singleness but you are unsure if God would rather you pursue marriage?