3 Signs God Is Warning You About a “Situationship”

Proverbs 7:18-19

By the term “situationship,” I’m referring to that type of connection you have with someone that is more than a friendship but less than a committed relationship. You are not just friends but you are not a boyfriend and girlfriend either. There is obvious chemistry between you two but your connection remains undefined.

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5 Rare Things God Will Do When He Wants You to Avoid Someone

Hebrews 5:14

In this article, we are going to discuss 5 things God does to help you know you should avoid someone and not get involved with them. But these things are not the normal ways God will most often speak to us. So don’t expect to see these types of things all the time, but there are moments in life where God gives us rare but clear signs he does want us to avoid someone.

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