How does your parent’s divorce affect you as an adult? How does divorce affect future relationships for the children of divorced parents? And what is a biblical way to heal as an adult who grew up in a divorced family?
How to Get Through 5 of the Hardest Parts of Christian Singleness
I recently asked a question to the AGW subscribers, “What’s the most challenging part of Christian singleness for you?” The responses that came in were overwhelming. People really shared their heart and talked about how hard the season of Christian singleness can be for them.
5 Ways to Deal with Rejection in Christian Singleness
If you are a Christian single who is actively dating or pursuing a relationship, odds are you have experienced some level of rejection. Everyone who opens themselves up to start a relationship is also opening themselves to rejection.
How to Guard Your Heart When You Like Someone You Know Is Not Good for You
What should you do when you begin to like someone that you know you should not like? How can you guard your heart from having feelings for someone you know is not good for you?
Here are 3 tips on how to guard your heart when you like someone you know you should not like.
Can You Be Friends with Your Ex as a Christian?
Relevant Magazine Article: Can You Really Be Friends After the Breakup?
Can Sexual Purity Be an Idol?
There’s an assault on the church’s sexual purity. We are surrounded on all sides by a culture that glorifies external beauty, quick pleasure, and porn. So it’s no surprise to see the satanic claws of sexual immorality trying to squeeze the life out of Christians. Affairs, premarital sex, and the deadly glow of a smart phone late at night in the hands of a young boy with no accountability – these are the glaring sexual idols of our day.
But idolatry loves to swing from one extreme to the other.
Christian Relationship Advice: When, Why, and How to Talk About Your Past Sexual Sins with Your Christian Partner
One of the trickiest parts of Christian dating can be when you have past sexual sins. When should you tell your boyfriend or girlfriend about the sexual sins in your past relationships? What details should you share and not share with your boyfriend or girlfriend about your past mistakes in relationships? Should you talk about this early in the relationship or later on?
Christian Relationship Advice: How to Stop Going Back to Your Ex
How can you stop going back to your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend? If you are a Christian and you want to do what is right, how can you get over someone you are attached to? Perhaps your ex is someone who hurts your or is a cheater and you know you should stay away but for some reason you keep getting back together. What can be done?
Here are 5 Christian relationship tips if you want to know how to stop going back to your ex.
3 Outside the Box Ways to Stop Repetitive Sexual Sin
I’ve talked a lot about how to overcome sexual sin. In short, I believe the only way to truly overcome temptation is through being transformed by Jesus and by maturing as his disciple. The more we embrace our true identity in Christ, the more power we will have to resist all sins including sexual temptation.