What is your “Reticular Activating System” and as a Christian why is it so important to train this brain system to be holy?
6 Signs Someone Is Afraid of Falling in Love with You
Here are 6 signs someone is afraid of falling in love with you.
4 Signs God Is Making You Suffer Before Giving You What You Want
Not all suffering is directly from God. Some hard things are just the consequence of living on a sinful, broken planet where people make free choices.
5 Signs Someone’s Secret Hold on You Is Keeping You from God’s Best
In John 8:36, Jesus said, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” In Colossians 1:13-14, it states, “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” And 1 John 4:4 proclaims, “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
4 Reasons God Is Disappointing You
What does the Bible say about being disappointed with God?
As Christians, it’s okay to be disappointed with circumstances. We can even be disappointed with things that God allows. But we should never be disappointed with God himself because then we are saying our will is better than God’s will.
3 Reasons God Let a Breakdown Happen in Your Life
Perhaps your career was always a bit of a grind, but then you lost your job and now your finances are even worse. Perhaps you were generally out of shape physically, but then you got really sick. Or perhaps your mental health was always a bit rocky, but then recently you had a full mental health breakdown.
3 Signs God Is Saying, “Don’t Give Up”
Here are 3 signs that often mean God is saying, “Don’t give up.”
6 Reasons People Leave The One They Love
Perhaps someone said they loved you and even made you feel like they really loved you, but then, somehow, the relationship still ended. Or perhaps you felt like you loved someone but there was also a pull in you to leave this person that you don’t fully understand.
5 Things God Will Do to Prepare You for a Pure Relationship
When I use the phrase “a pure relationship,” I’m talking about a relationship that is both sexually pure but also spiritually pure. A spiritually pure relationship is one that is filled with holy traits and devoid of worldliness and sin.
3 Signs God Is Saying, “I Have Not Forgotten You. Follow Me.”
Here are 3 instances where God is reminding you that he has not forgotten you and is encouraging you to keep following him.