10 Powerful Tips to Prepare You for a Successful Christian Dating Relationship

Description: In this concise mine-eBook, I share with you 10 powerful tips to help you succeed in Christian dating. These 10 tips build on each other, taking you from the pre-dating season right up to the point of engagement. We systematically discuss the practical and spiritual steps in the meeting, dating, and marrying process. If you are looking for deep biblical insight into Christian dating, this book will not disappoint.

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3 Signs God Is Trying to Remind You of His Love for You

signs God loves you
1 John 4:16

Do you feel unloved? Are going through a season of hardships? Is life just not working out the way you had hoped? If so, where is God in all of this?

While we might not always feel loved, God is always sending his love to us. So here are 3 signs to look for if you are wondering if God is trying to remind you of his love for you.

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How to Live a Meaningful Life: 4 Keys to a Meaningful Life

how to live a meaningful life
Philippians 4:12-13

How can you live a meaningful life? What are the essential qualities you need to feel fulfilled in life?

Must you get married? Have a certain type of career? Make a certain amount of money? Or perhaps you need a certain level of popularity?

According to Scripture, none of these types of things are essential for a meaningful life. Marriage, careers, money, and even influence can all be added blessings in life from God. But none of these are needed if you desire to live a joyful life.

So here are 4 keys to a meaningful life.

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4 Ways to Overcome a Relationship Idol in Your Heart

relationship idol
1 John 5:21

Are you a Christian single person who wants to be married one day but right now you are trying to focus more on God, become a more mature Christian who is ready for a relationship, and overcome a relationship idol in your heart?

If so, here are 4 ways to help you grow in your season of Christian singleness and overcome a relationship idol in your heart.  

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