AGW University Reviews

Are you wondering if AGW University has positive reviews? Yes, it does!

Below are comments made by real AGW University students. These screenshots are from the private Facebook group (currently 825 members) that only AGW University students have access to. Feel free to read through these AGW University reviews and then checkout these biblical relationship training courses yourself by clicking here!

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8 Steps to Take If You Are a Christian and You Have Feelings for an Unbeliever

Can Christians date unbelievers
Galatians 6:1

What should you do if you are a Christian who is starting to have romantic feelings for an unbeliever? Can Christians and non-Christians date? Is missionary dating a biblical option? Is it okay to be friends, witness to this person, and then date this person if they become a Christian one day?

Many Christian singles will need to navigate questions like these regarding their romantic feelings for an unbeliever. So here are 8 steps you can take if you are a Christian and you have romantic feelings for an unbeliever.

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What Does the Trinity Teach Us About Relationships?

Philippians 2:1-11

What does the Trinity teach us about human relationships? This is profound question to ask for a variety of reasons. One, the Trinity is one of, if not the, most crucial doctrine to understand when you want to know who God is. Since man was made in the image of God, if we want to bear God’s image properly we must accurately know who God is. Thus we must know about the Trinity if we want to reflect God.

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