What good things happen when Christians put God first in a relationship? And what negative consequences are there when people do not put God first in their relationships?
Here are 4 reasons it’s so important to put God first in a relationship.
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- Putting God First Is Not the Path to a Reward. Putting God First Is Our Reward
This first point does not apply just to relationships. It applies to all of life and why it is so important to put God first in everything we do.
The goal of putting God first is not to get something from God like a blessed relationship, more money, or better health. Rather, putting God first is the main point of our lives. Putting God first is the joy. Putting God first is not a means to an end. It is the end goal itself.
Psalm 89:15 explains, “Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, Lord.” Notice that the blessings comes through learning how to praise God. When you put God first the reward is his presence (Psalm 16:11), not an external gift like a human relationship.
- No god Can Sustain the Weight of Our Needs Except the True God
If you ask a relationship to be your god, it will crumble under the weight of your needs. If you are asking a relationship to fill the hole inside your heart that only God can fill, you will ask too much of this relationship and you will crush it under the pressure you are placing on it.
One of the major blessings of putting God first in a relationship is that you free yourself to enjoy the relationship for what it is rather than killing it by trying to make it something it’s not. Things work best and bring us the most joy when we use them how God designed them to be used.
A Christian relationship or a Christian marriage is a major blessing. But when we ask a relationship to take God’s place in our heart, this blessing will turn into a curse because it will take us away from the true source of joy – God himself.
- Putting God First Will Cause a Man and Woman to Treat Each Other Better Than They Deserve
If you only show love to someone because they deserve it, you will not show them love for very long. You need a higher purpose if you want to love someone unconditionally.
You should love someone for who they are, but the main cause of your love should be your desire to honor God. In John 13:34 Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
If we love people for God’s sake, we will always have a reason to love. If we love people based upon their own merit, eventually that person will do something you don’t like and thus you will struggle to keep loving them.
So putting God first in a relationship is really the only way to keep the relationship healthy and full of love even when you go through hard times together.
- Putting God First Will Cause God to Bless Your Relationship
Lastly, if you want God’s help you need God’s presence. If you reject God in your relationship you cannot then blame God when the relationship turns sinful.
So the benefit of putting God first in a relationship is that God will actually be in that relationship. If God is not in it, it just won’t work. As Psalm 127:1 states, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.”
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