Christian Dating Advice for Men

Christian Dating Advice for Men
Proverbs 3:5-6

Christian dating advice for men, just like Christian dating advice for women, must start with the Bible. Dating is not a topic directly covered in the Bible, so Christians will have to take general truths that are in the Bible and apply them to the issues in dating.

Every guy is different. We all have some unique gifts and challenges. So not all of this Christian dating advice will apply to all Christian men. I’ll have to make some generalizations to write an article like this. But I believe these 6 pieces of dating advice apply to many Christian men. 

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Christian Dating Advice for Women

Christian dating advice for women
Proverbs 3:5-6

The best Christian dating advice for anyone, including women, is found by reading your Bible. There’s not actual “dating advice” per se, but as Christians it is our goal to apply biblical wisdom to all of the situations we find ourselves in. Try to honor Christ, be wise, don’t marry an unbeliever, love God and love people – all the basics for any Christian apply to Christian dating advice for women.

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5 Christian Dating Boundaries

Christian dating boundaries list
Proverbs 4:23


Christian dating boundaries are . . . ambiguous.

Dating by definition and design is somewhere in between friendship and marriage, therefore Christian guys and girls are always trying to navigate the confusion which is always produced by romance without commitment. God designed the two to always be paired together, so knowing how much romance to engage in when the commitment is limited is tricky.

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