Are struggling to sleep? Or maybe your sleeping habits have been getting worse and worse over time. You once were able to fall asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow, but now you lay there for hours before finally dozing off.
God will send us messages through his Spirit that we can detect internally. However, these can more easily be misunderstood or fabricated through our own desires.
Are you in an unwanted season? Perhaps you are single but you really long to be married. Maybe you are faithfully working at job you hate but you desperately want to work somewhere else. Or perhaps you feel isolated and you are longing for more meaningful relationships.
If you’re in a season of waiting, God has a powerful purpose for you during this time. Therefore, here are 6 things the Lord might be trying to teach you through your waiting.
Paralysis is a medical term for when you cannot move certain muscles due to an issue occurring in the body. This same thing can happen to us in the spiritual sense. When we are unable to move, something has gone wrong.
How can you hear God’s voice? When there’s a big decision to make in life, you want nothing more than to simply know for certain what the Lord is actually saying to you.