Here are 5 things God will do when preparing you for a Spirit-filled relationship.
Spiritual Growth
4 Signs God Is Quietly Preparing You for a Life-Changing Decision
We rarely know when a life-changing decision will need to be made.
5 External Things that Happen When God Is Really Sending You a Message
God will send us messages through his Spirit that we can detect internally. However, these can more easily be misunderstood or fabricated through our own desires.
4 Reasons God Has Not Ended an Unwanted Season for You Yet
Are you in an unwanted season? Perhaps you are single but you really long to be married. Maybe you are faithfully working at job you hate but you desperately want to work somewhere else. Or perhaps you feel isolated and you are longing for more meaningful relationships.
6 Things God Is Teaching You Through Waiting
If you’re in a season of waiting, God has a powerful purpose for you during this time. Therefore, here are 6 things the Lord might be trying to teach you through your waiting.
4 Signs God Wants You to Just Do Something Because You’re in a Prayer-Paralysis
Paralysis is a medical term for when you cannot move certain muscles due to an issue occurring in the body. This same thing can happen to us in the spiritual sense. When we are unable to move, something has gone wrong.
3 Signs God Will Give You a Spouse Once You Stop Wanting One So Bad
Here are 3 signs that often occur when God is waiting to bless you with a spouse once you stop wanting one so bad.
5 Biblical Acts You Should Perform to Expose a Narcissist
While the Bible does not use the word narcissist, there are many principles in Scripture that directly relate to this important topic.
How to Really Hear the Voice of God and Know It’s Truly Him
How can you hear God’s voice? When there’s a big decision to make in life, you want nothing more than to simply know for certain what the Lord is actually saying to you.
7 Physical Afflictions that Occur When People Displease God
It would be unbiblical to assume that every physical affliction we experience is due to our disobedience towards God. God is very gracious towards us and he is eager to spare us of the punishment we deserve (2 Peter 3:9). In fact, this is the very reason Jesus came. He died the death we deserved so we could live free with him forever (2 Corinthians 5:21).