Do you need a sign from God? Perhaps you are asking God what you should do about a certain person you really want to be in a relationship with. Or maybe you are wondering if you should move to another state for a career opportunity. Or perhaps you are having conflict with someone and you don’t know what you should do.
Spiritual Growth
3 Signs God Is Saying, “I Will Give You the New Once You Let Go of the Old”
Have you been praying for a new relationship, a new source of income, or a new pattern of godly living? If you are clinging to an old relationship in your heart, an old mindset that is preventing productivity, or an old habit that is creating temptation, you will be unable to receive the new from the Lord.
3 Signs God Is Asking You, “Will You Allow Me to Bless You?”
Did you know that there are times God will ask for your permission before doing something?
4 Things that Happen When Satan Is Tempting You to Settle
One way Satan tries to prevent marriages that glorify the Lord is by tempting Christians to settle. Is this happening to you?
6 Physical Signs in Your Body that Mean God Is Speaking to You
Is it possible that God will send you a sign through the way your body feels? According to Scripture, yes, this is possible.
4 Marks Satan Sent Someone Into Your Life to Gain a Foothold
Here are 4 marks that appear when Satan has sent someone into your life to gain a foothold.
3 Signs God Is Saying, “Make Room for My Blessing So I Can Send It”
How can God give you something if there is no space in your life for you to receive it?
5 Things You Will See When God Is Trying to Warn You About Something
Are you just getting cold feet about this relationship, or is God trying to say something to you? Are you just nervous about starting a new job, or is God telling you to stay at your current place of employment? Are you just being paranoid, or is that bad feeling you got from the Lord?
5 Biblical Rules to Help You Accurately Hear the Voice of God
Without Christ saving us by grace and through faith, and without the Holy Spirit entering into us, none of us can ever hear God properly no matter what rules we follow. As 1 Corinthians 2:12-13 states:
4 Biblical Principles Regarding Manifesting Your Destiny, Speaking It Into Existence, and The Law of Attraction
Are you unmarried because God is waiting for you to manifest this destiny into existence? Do you lack the finances you desire because you have not specifically named and then claimed the exact dollar amount you want? Would God give you the physical healing you need if you used the law of attraction?