4 Things that Will Happen When God Is Giving You a Vision for Your Future

Philippians 3:12-15

In this article, I’m not using the word “vision” in the supernatural way or the prophetic way. While I believe that throughout history God has given people visions as recorded in the Bible, in this article I’m simply using the word “vision” to mean “a specific goal or outcome God wants you to pursue for the future that is not yet fully realized in your present.”

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God Wants You to Just Sit Still If . . .

Psalm 46:10

There are times in life where God wants you to be extremely proactive, to step out in faith and try hard as you seek to do what he is telling you to do. But life is full of very different seasons, so sometimes God will tell you to stop moving and remain still. As Ecclesiastes 3:6-7 states, “. . . [there is] a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to tear, and a time to sew . . .”

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