Intertwined (2 Free Sample Chapters)

Read two free sample chapters from my newest book, Intertwined: Our Happiness Is Tied to God’s Glory (Two Free Sample Chapters PDF)

Intertwined by Mark Ballenger
Click the book cover to read two free sample chapters.

As children we imagined we would find the perfect spouse, the perfect job, buy the perfect house, go on perfect adventures, and well . . . have the perfect life. Somewhere along the way, however, we quickly realized we will experience many things on this earth, but perfection is certainly not one of them.

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Can You Pray Too Much?

can you pray too much
Matthew 6:7

Is it ever possible to pray too much? This question is both easy and hard to answer. The short answer is “No, you cannot pray too much.”

However, when we start talking about praying for specific people, places, and things over defined periods of time, we will need to apply wisdom and walk with the Spirit to answer this question in each personal situation people will encounter.

In other words, while you cannot pray too much, I believe it is possible to pray too much about certain things or certain desires, especially when the Holy Spirit is trying to move you forward but for some reason you won’t let a certain prayer request go.

So what does the Bible say about praying too much?

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3 Traits of Spiritually Powerful People

traits of powerful people
Genesis 39:23

It’s my belief that the amount of real spiritual power someone has is equal to how much credit they are willing to give God in their hearts and actions. God greatly uses those who are finally ready to give him all the glory. If you still desire the praise, then God isn’t going to curse you with the power.

This trait of possessing power and yet knowing it comes from God is always present in those God uses the most. Joseph is a perfect example of this.

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What Does the Bible Say About Blind Spots?

spiritual blind spots bible
Psalm 19:12-13

A blind spot is not a phrase you will find in the Bible, but it is a principle mentioned often in Scripture. A blind spot is an area in our lives that is negatively impacting us but that we cannot see. Like a blind spot when you are driving a car, spiritual blind spot that goes ignored can also lead to massive wrecks in life.

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Zacchaeus’s Conversion Is All Of Us

the conversion of zacchaeus
Luke 19:1-10

Everyone is unique, thus Jesus draws us to himself uniquely. While each of has an individual story of straying and  thus God will reach out to us in individual ways, there are often many common themes all of us experience on the road to reunification with God. One such story that depicts the path nearly every conversion is that of Zacchaeus. 

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Humbled Through His Use

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.-Psalm 139:13,14

For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?-1 Corinthians 4:7

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What Does the Bible Say About the Heart and Mind?

Bible verses heart and mind
Philippians 4:7

Every part of the body is crucial for survival, but if you had to rank the importance of each organ, it seems the brain and the heart would be at the top. When we discuss our spiritual make up, the mind and heart seem to top the list of importance as well.

But what does the Bible say about the heart and mind? What’s the difference between the two? And what is the relationship between the mind and heart?

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What Does the Bible Say About Sleep?

What does the bible say about sleeping_
Psalm 3:5, Proverbs 20:13

What does the Bible say about sleep? This is an important question considering that anywhere from one-third of our life will be spent on earth with our eyes closed, slumbering away in our beds. That’s a lot of time sleeping! So what does God think about sleep? Can we sleep too much, too little, and how can we use sleep the way God intended?

Sleep, like everything else God has made, is good when it’s used right but also has the potential to be greatly misused.

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What Does the Bible Say About Personal Responsibility?

What does the Bible Say about personal responsibility_
A person’s own folly leads to their ruin, yet their heart rages against the LORD. -Proverbs 19:3

So what does the Bible say about personal responsibility?

Throughout the Bible, the real problem was not the Philistines, Egyptians, Syrians, or Romans. It was not the Red Sea, the lack of water, or the absence of food for the people. Nothing could hinder God’s purpose for his people other than the people themselves.

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