5 Biblical Principles God Uses to Position You for a Big Blessing

Hebrews 12:11

Do you have a major desire in your heart that you know only God can answer? Perhaps you have a crippling sin pattern you want to be free from. Or maybe you want a godly spouse so you can partner with another in your service to God. Whatever it is, we can be sure that God is able (Matthew 7:7, James 1:17, Ephesians 3:20-21).

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4 Signs God Is Saying, “Don’t Lose Hope”

Lamentations 3:16-33

Perhaps you got your hopes for a relationship with someone, but then they suddenly started acting differently and are ignoring you now. Or maybe you thought you were going to get promoted, but someone else got the position instead. Or perhaps you are just tired of being alone and you thought you would be married by now.

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3 Things God Does to a Narcissist

Acts 20:35

“Why is God letting that narcissist thrive in life while I’m over here suffering in silence?” “Why can’t people see the truth about this person? They are clearly manipulating others for their own profit.” “I just don’t understand why God would allow that narcissist to treat me like that. Why won’t God do anything?”

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