Christian Dating Advice for Women

Christian dating advice for women
Proverbs 3:5-6

The best Christian dating advice for anyone, including women, is found by reading your Bible. There’s not actual “dating advice” per se, but as Christians it is our goal to apply biblical wisdom to all of the situations we find ourselves in. Try to honor Christ, be wise, don’t marry an unbeliever, love God and love people – all the basics for any Christian apply to Christian dating advice for women.

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Luke 18:1-8 Bible Study

Looking for a free Bible study on Luke 18:1-8? Want videos and questions too?

Never Quit is a free Bible study on Luke 18:1-8 and has 2 in-depth videos with questions as well. This free eBook is broken up into 5 easy to read chapters. Just click the book title and instantly start enjoying this free Bible study on Luke 18:1-8.

Luke 18 1-8

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How to Pray With Power (James 5:13-20 Sermon)

how to pray with power
James 5:13-20

A sermon on James 5:13-20 can take many forms. Today, I would like to view James 5:13-20 through the lens of “How to pray with power.”

There is so much I will not be able to cover in this sermon because James 5:13-20 is just so rich. But by going verse by verse through this Bible passage, I believe we can point to at least 3 ways to have more power in prayer.

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