God’s word is timeless and never changes (Matthew 24:35). Though it was written thousands of years ago under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it still applies today (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Therefore, while the Bible doesn’t give us specific directions on how to meet the one God may have for you in 2025, here are 4 timeless principles that are especially relevant if you desire marriage.
1. If You Want to Meet The One in 2025, Submit to God’s Sovereign Plan without Knowing What that Plan Is
Will God let you meet the one 2025? I have no idea. No one does. Only God can know that. However, what I do know is that God could want you to meet the one in 2025 and you could miss that opportunity if you lack trust in his plan.
Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” This passage implies that if you are not trusting God with all your heart that he won’t make your paths straight. Through leaning on God’s understanding, we will avoid missing God’s will for our lives.
So if you really want to meet your person this year, the best thing you can do is fully submit to God’s plan, even if that does not include you meeting the one this year. If you are willing to follow him and love him to the max regardless of what does or doesn’t happen, you will not miss his will for you.
2. If You Want to Meet the One in 2025, Sow Your Seed in Old and New Ways
How will you meet the one? I don’t know and neither do you. What I do know, however, is that you will need to actively participate in God’s plan.
Ecclesiastes 11:6 states, “In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good.”
Perhaps you’ve been trying online dating but it hasn’t worked yet. That’s okay. If you feel led, keep trying this method. Perhaps also increase your social activity with other Christians. Or maybe you’ve been very social this past year and have met a lot of new Christian single people but this has not helped you meet the one. That’s okay. Keep doing this. But perhaps God will lead you to experiment with a more intentional approach, like online dating.
These are just two examples of ways God may lead you to the right person. You don’t have to do these specific examples. But you will have to do something. Don’t be passive. Live your life for the glory of God and at the right time, he will partner you with someone who is also living their life for his glory.
3. If You Want to Meet The One in 2025, Ask Other People to Help You Identify Any Blind Spots that May Be Hindering You
There are people who are reading this article we are emotionally and spiritually ready for a relationship. They may still be single simply because it’s not God’s will for them yet to be married. Thus, I’m not saying everyone is single because they have a blind spot they need to address.
However, there are other people who reading this article who have a specific barrier that is preventing them from a healthy relationship but they can’t see this issue for themselves. Perhaps there is a commitment issue. Perhaps there is an isolation issue. Perhaps there is a fear issue. Or perhaps this is some personality issue.
If you are serious about meeting the one and you want to be married sooner rather than later, it can’t hurt to ask some mature people who love you to examine your life to make sure there is nothing you are doing that is preventing a relationship (Proverbs 9:8).
If they love you, they will tell you the truth even if it’s hard. As Proverbs 27:6 states, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.”
4. If You Want to Meet The One in 2025, Specifically Ask God for This in Faith
Be specific with God. It’s not wrong to ask God to allow you to get meet the right person in 2025. The worst thing that can happen is that he says no. But even if he does say no, he will be pleased when you bring this request to him (Matthew 7:7-11).
Perhaps the Holy Spirit will encourage you to not put a timeline on him. Or perhaps he will just say, “I’m pleased with this prayer. Now keep moving forward.” Or maybe you will sense a yes, but you will have to wait and see if this happens to confirm if that yes was really from God or not.
Either way, if you want to meet the one, ask God for this in faith. The Lord will lead you to take the necessary actions steps to participate in meeting your person. But no matter what you try, none of it will work if the Lord is not blessing your efforts.
Psalm 16:3, “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”
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