Need a Reminder of God’s Love for You?

a reminder of God's love for you
Psalm 25:11, 1 Corinthians 1:28-31

The Medal of Honor is the highest military award in all the US Armed Forces. It is only given to those soldiers who have displayed the utmost gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty.

One such recipient was Master Sergeant Roy P. Benavidez for his heroics in the Vietnam War. On the morning of May 2, 1968, a 12-man Special Forces Reconnaissance Team was inserted by helicopters into a dense jungle area west of Loc Ninh, Vietnam. Their mission was to gather intelligence information in an area heavily patrolled by the North Vietnam Army (NVA). The highly trained team began taking heavy fire, became pinned down, and called for an extraction. The only way out was by helicopter, and after three attempts by pilots, the plight of these 12 men seemed more hopeless by the minute.

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What Does the Bible Say About Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel?

what about those who never heard the gospel_When answering questions like “What does the bible say about those who have never heard the gospel?” or “How could God send people to hell if they’ve never heard the name of Jesus?” or even “How can a loving God send people to hell at all?” it’s impossible not to take a logical, textual approach.

The problem with that is these questions are wrapped up with all kinds of emotions, and rightfully so. Something is wrong if you are a Christian and you flippantly talk about the reality of hell. Hell is a horrible truth. But it is a part of the truth.

With that said, what follows is a biblically blunt answer to the question, “What happens to those who have never heard the gospel or the name of Jesus?”

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6 Possible Reasons You’re Not Married

reasons why many christians remain single
Psalm 139:16

Finding someone to marry seems like a mysterious process. And in some ways it really is. God has a plan for you full of twists and turns, and if you are called to marriage, God knows just how he is going to bring your future husband or wife into your life.

While Christian singles certainly must trust and submit to the sovereignty of God, that doesn’t mean God has not outlined specific actions that will increase your chances of getting married. While finding the one will always have elements of mystery to it, there are always reasons for everything, including why you are not married.

What follows is not an exhaustive list of reasons you’re not married. These are just some of the most common reasons, or roadblocks (depending how you look at), for why many Christian singles are not married.

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Identifying Idols of the Heart

identifying idols of the heart
I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. Hosea 11:4

While there is really only one true God, in our fallenness we often times idolize many other things, thus treating them like gods. But how do we identify idols of the heart?

Control is the name of the game when it comes to being a god or God. One of the qualities of divinity is doing what you want, when you want, and why you want. This truth can help us identify idols of the heart.

When we idolize someone or something, we will be controlled by them. Therefore, if you want to know what your gods are, all you have to do is identify what controls you.

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Why Was Moses Kept From Entering the Promised Land?

why was Moses kept out of the promised land
Deuteronomy 3:27-28

It’s troubling when we learn that Moses was not allowed to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.

Moses spoke with God face to face. He was God’s chosen instrument to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God used Moses to give us the Pentateuch, the first five foundational books of the Bible. Moses was the humblest man on the face of the earth during his lifetime (Numbers 12:3). All in all, it’s hard to find a man more devoted to God in all of the Old Testament.

So why was Moses kept from entering the Promised Land?

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Idolizing the Past

idolizing the past bible
Luke 7:30, John 12:19, Philippians 1:6

Sequels are usually not nearly as good as the original film or book in a series. Most sequels fail to live up to the greatness of the original story because they are trying to recreate the magic that happened the first time rather than building on the story. They try to go through the same plot progression as the first story, the characters end getting into the same trouble, and the whole point of the movie is simply to redo the first one under a different title.

Do you know that we can do that in our lives too? It’s good to look back at our past with fond memories. But there are countless dangers that come with idolizing our past.

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How to Find a Christian Spouse

How to find a Christian Spouse
Matthew 6:31-34

There’s been a lot said to Christian singles who desire to find a spouse. “Just pray about it.” “Just serve Jesus and he’ll take care of it.” “Stop desiring to be married and then God will bless you with a Christian spouse.” “Just get on a Christian dating site already and stop talking to me about this all the time!”

When it comes down to it, there seems to be two camps in the “How to find a Christian spouse” advice market. One group says just serve Jesus and it will take care of itself. The other group says God only helps those who help themselves.

So which is it? What’s the best way to find a Christian spouse?

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3 Christian/Biblical Counseling Tips

Christian_Biblical Counseling Tips advice
Colossians 4:5-6

Most Christians desire to give biblical counsel to those in need. Christians have been given amazing insight to humanities’ problems through the wisdom of God found within the Bible. But knowing the truth and counseling other people to understand the truth are entirely different.

So here are 3 tips for Christians who desire to offer biblical counsel to those in need.

Tip 1: Christians Must Show They Care Before They Offer Biblical Counsel

During my years as a pastor, I had a reoccurring experience while counseling people at public places like coffee shops or restaurants. I would be right in the middle of offering biblical counsel to someone and a nearby Christian who neither of us knew would over hear our conversation and chime in with their thoughts.

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