Do you really need God to tell you what to do about that person you like? Are you confused about your living situation, your career, or a family issue? When God seems silent and you just don’t know what to do, what does the Bible instruct?
Christians are supposed to be different than the rest of the world (1 Peter 2:9, Romans 12:2). Therefore, when a Christian man likes a woman, his actions should be different than a worldly man’s approach.
Are you just getting cold feet about this relationship, or is God trying to say something to you? Are you just nervous about starting a new job, or is God telling you to stay at your current place of employment? Are you just being paranoid, or is that bad feeling you got from the Lord?
God’s love is so much greater than we can even know. Sometimes he’s spared you of immense pain you didn’t even realize you were in danger of experiencing.
Rather that performing a demonic manifestation, the devil knows it is more effective to smuggle in hurtful ideas through other people (Revelation 2:9). This is particularly relevant when it comes to relationship advice.