A Sermon on 2 Timothy 3:1-9
Title: How to Overcome Evil in the Last Days
How can you be content in singleness? If you are struggling with singleness, what is a biblical view to be more satisfied as you are waiting on the Lord? When it comes to Christian advice for singles, often times people are quick to start preaching down at those struggling in this season and offering them tips on how to be more content. That’s is not my aim here.
What does the Bible say about losing weight? What does the Bible say about honoring God with your body? What are some Christian tips on weight loss and getting in shape? What is a biblical perspective on working out?
In this article, I’m going to give you 3 Christian tips that will help you lose weight in shape.
How long should a Christian date before getting married? What is enough time in Christian courting before marriage occurs? Is 6 months too soon to get married? Is 3 years too long to wait to get married? What does the Bible say about how long dating should occur before marriage?
Questions like these are extremely subjective. Much like most dating questions, there is not a definitive answer found in the Bible. The best approach, therefore, is to apply relevant biblical truth to this question, “How long should a Christian date before getting married?”
There are essentially two ways to learn important life lessons about relationships. You can learn through observation and you can learn through experience. Sadly, when it comes to the warning signs we should head in relationships, we often choose to only learn through our personal experiences.