God made you to glorify himself (Isaiah 43:7). Thus, Satan wants you to fall short of glorifying God, which is the definition of sin (Romans 3:23).
One way God made humans to bring glory to himself was through relationships. When a man and woman love each other as God intended, it reveals something about the character of Christ, which brings God glory (Ephesians 5:22-33). Thus, Satan will try to pair people together so they will not love each other as God intended, which will then conceal Christ’s image and thus not bring glory to God.
With that said, here are 3 signs that often occur when Satan is trying to put two people together.
1. Satan Is Trying to Put Two People Together If They Need to Twist Scripture in Order to Justify the Relationship
Scripture tells us exactly what to do and not to do. And when it comes to areas of life where God has not specifically given us instructions, he has given us general principles in Scripture that are to be applied in all situations (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Christians know this. Thus, they usually can’t live with themselves if they are directly disobeying the word of God in an obvious way. They are convicted and repent. Therefore, Satan has a much better chance of keeping a Christian on the wrong road by tempting the Christian to twist Scripture as a means of easing their conscience.
This often occurs when Satan is trying to tempt a Christian to be in a relationship that is displeasing to the Lord. Rather than obeying clear commands to not be unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14), to run from sexual temptation (1 Corinthians 6:18), to not spend time with people who have bad character (1 Corinthians 15:33), or to not be friends with the world (James 4:4), we are tempted to justify these sins through misapplying other parts of Scripture.
For example, when Jesus tells us to go out and make disciples (Matthew 28:19), we may use his as justification to link up with a nonbeliever, claiming we are just trying to witness to them. But to truly obey the Scriptures, you can’t obey one part to disobey another part. The point is, we must not pick and choose which parts of Scripture we want to obey. We must take it all as the word of God or none of it.
God loves you. Don’t let Satan get you into a hurtful relationship by tempting you to twist Scripture.
2. Satan Is Trying to Put Two People Together If They Are the Only People Who Think Their Relationship Is a Good Idea
Christians do not need other Christians to approve of everything they choose to do. When it comes to relationships, it is very likely that some of your friend and family may not like the person you choose to be with. They may even wrongly accuse you two of having an unbiblical relationship.
Perhaps your parents aren’t ready to see you grow up so they are trying to stop a relationship even though you are ready to get married and glorify the Lord. Or perhaps your pastor is a control freak and he doesn’t like that you are dating someone who doesn’t go to his church. Don’t do what others want you to do if you don’t share their convictions.
However, biblically speaking, when a Christian is making a wise choice, there should be other Christians who can validate that this is a wise choice. Likewise, when a Christian in a good community is making a bad choice, usually there will be an abundance of other people unwilling to give their approval.
You don’t need everyone to agree with this relationship. But usually something is wrong if you can’t find anyone who agrees that you two are making a good choice by being together. Satan wants us to live foolishly. And Proverbs 12:15 says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.”
3. Satan Wants Two People Together If This Relationship Will Block Them from Experiencing the Marriage God Does Want for Them
When you’re with the wrong person, you can’t be with the right person. We may try to make the wrong person into the right person, but it never works. The relationship can’t be right if the two people just aren’t right for each other.
Satan knows that if he can keep you in a relationship that is not what you want from the Lord, he can keep you from receiving what God wants to give you. A healthy relationship desire comes from Jesus (John 15:5) God made marriage and he gives people the desire for marriage (1 Corinthians 7:7).
However, sin occurs when we take a good thing and use it in a bad way. This is what Satan will try to do. He will try to take your good desire for a godly marriage and tempt you to use this good desire in bad ways.
Oftentimes God requires us to let go of what he doesn’t want for us before he will then give us what he does want for us (Luke 15:20-24).
Related Article: 3 Signs Satan Is Trying to Keep Two People Apart