How will you feel when you first meet the person God will lead you to marry one day?
In many ways, this is a unique experience; thus many of us will have different feelings compared to each other. However, there are also some overarching feelings that will be necessary if a relationship is going to happen one day.
Therefore, here are 5 feelings God will give you when you meet the person he wants you to marry one day.
1. When You Meet The Person God Wants You to Marry One Day, He Will Give You an Openness Towards This Person
Some of us are more naturally closed-off than others. And the Bible is clear that we must guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23) and avoid infatuation (1 Peter 5:8). So I’m not saying you should expect to feel an instant openness and have zero hesitation when you first meet the person God will lead you to marry one day.
However, if you have a feeling that this person should not be trusted or you’re just in a place where you know you can’t open up to someone at all right now, this is probably not the person God has for you.
While the story of how God brought Isaac and Rebekah together is extreme, notice the openness Rebekah had, “And they called Rebekah and said to her, “Will you go with this man?” She said, “I will go” (Genesis 24:58).
When you meet the one God wants you to marry one day, you will have an openness towards this person to at least explore the possibility of a relationship with them.
2. When You Meet The One God Wants You to Marry One Day, He Will Give You Enjoyment Around This Person
If you don’t enjoy someone, God will not call you to marry this person. While that seems obvious, many Christians worry that God might sovereignly call them to marry someone they don’t want to marry.
But this is a misunderstanding of how God’s sovereignty and man’s choices work together. Marriage is an option for people who want it. It’s not a command for all Christians. Thus when God sovereignly ordains for you to marry someone, you will also have the desire within you to do this very thing. You may not have that feeling right away. But when God calls you to actually get married, he will first give you the desire for this.
As Philippians 2:13 (NLT) states, “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”
3. When You Meet The One God Wants You to Marry One Day, He Will Give You Acceptance of the Unknowns
We’ve all heard those stories of people who laid eyes on their future spouse and who then claim to instantly have heard God say, “That is your future spouse.” I’m in no way trying to discount those people’s experiences. However, there are far more stories of people who have seen someone and then felt God say that was their future spouse who ended up being wrong.
When Jesus was being led into the will of the Father for him, he prayed, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done” (Luke 22:42). When you’re in the Lord’s will, you won’t always know the details in the future; but you will have a submission that allows you to obey him.
Thus, it’s not realistic to think God will tell you who your future spouse is before you go through a wise dating or courting process to see if you two would make a biblical couple together. So rather than an assurance that this is your future spouse, God will more likely give you the feeling of acceptance that you don’t know the future with this person. But you will be able to live with this unknown as you try to figure out God’s will for you both.
4. When You Meet the Person God Wants You to Marry One Day, You Will Feel a Physical Attraction Towards Them
Will your future husband have all the physical qualities you’ve always wanted in a man? Maybe, but probably not. Will your future wife resemble a famous actress that you’ve always thought was very attractive? Maybe, but probably not.
In some instances, people have not found their future spouse attractive at all when they first met this person. However, when God leads you to marry someone, eventually you should have some feeling of physical attraction for them. Sometimes this feeling grows once you form an emotional attachment together.
In most cases, when two people who meet who will end up marrying each other, there is first a general attraction that greatly intensifies as they date and grow closer emotionally. If you never experience a physical attraction for this person and thus you could never want to have sex with them in marriage, this person is not God’s choice for you (1 Corinthians 7:3-5, Proverbs 5:19)
5. When You Meet the Person God Wants You to Marry One Day, He Will Give You a Peace to Proceed Forward When You First Meet Them
Just because God has given you a peace to proceed forward with someone, this is not an automatic sign that they are for sure the person God wants you to marry one day. Sometimes God will lead you to date someone to teach you an important lesson, to give you experience, or to show you that they are not the one.
However, if you never have peace to proceed forward with someone, then this is a clear sign this is not the person God wants for you. When you meet the one, God probably won’t give you a vision for the distant future. But he will give you peace in the present so you and this person can form a healthy relationship that progresses forward in a wise way.
Follow the peace. If you feel peace when you pray about not being with this person, go that way. When you feel a peace about exploring a relationship with this person, go that way. God will lead you through the peace (Philippians 4:7, 2 Thessalonians 3:16).
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