Here are five things that seem small but are actually huge steps God will lead you to take to receive the breakthrough he wants to give you.
I also wanted to quickly let you know that there are only a few hours left to enroll in AGW University. These relationship training courses are not magic, but I do truly believe they have the potential to greatly transform the trajectory of your life if you put in the time and hard work that is required. If you enroll before 11:59pm tonight, you get lifetimes access to all 5 of these relationship courses, 3 months of bonus email coaching with me, lifetime access to the private Facebook group which has over 780 other students in it currently, and a $50 scholarship. Feel free to click here to learn more before the deadline passes by.
1. If You Are Forming New Mental Habits that Are Changing Your Attitude, This Often Means God Is Preparing You for a Big Breakthrough
Knowledge is important. Effort is important. But without the right attitude, nothing will change in your life. Attitude is what allows you to use your knowledge and effort consistently. And without consistency, that big breakthrough you want won’t come.
Perhaps you want to improve your health. But if you go the gym with a negative attitude you aren’t going to take advantage of your time there. Perhaps you want to put more effort into interacting with the opposite sex, but with a fearful attitude you won’t get far. Or perhaps you want to advance in your career, but without a positive and kind attitude people at your workplace are not going to appreciate your hard work.
Attitude is something that starts on the inside. You have to change the way you think on a consistent bases to change your attitude. Refuse negative self-talk, refuse to complain, and consistently choose to do what you know is right even when you don’t feel like it. This will form new mental habits for you which will change your attitude.
As Romans 12:2 (NLT) states, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
2. If You Are Making Small Positive Changes that Are Causing a Snowball Effect, This Often Means God Is Preparing You for a Big Breakthrough
Many times we have so many issues we don’t work on any of those issues because it all feels so overwhelming. Picking just one problem out of the many problems we have seems pointless because even if we solve that one issue we still have so many other issues.
When I was in seminary pursuing my master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling, I remember a principle they taught us that has been very helpful to me in counseling others, “Positive change in one area of your life often produces positive changes in other areas of your life.”
While solving just one little issue out of the thousands you have may seem pointless, it’s actually not! Once you do something positive and make progress in one area of your life, this often cause you to keep that positive momentum going into other areas of your life. It’s like having a messy house. You can’t clean it all at once. But you can start by making your bed. And then you can pick up your clothes. And then you can do the laundry. And then you just keep doing one little thing after the next. And before you know it, your whole house is clean.
This is how it is in life too. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what issue you solve first. Just pick one and get to work. And after you make some progress, keep the snowball effect going. Notice this principle 2 Peter 1:5-8 (NLT), which explains:
In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone. The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
3. If You Are Recommitting Yourself to Be Consistent with Your Daily Devotional Time, This Is Often a Step God Uses to Lead You to a Big Breakthrough
When we first become Christians, usually someone tells us how important daily prayer and daily Bible reading is. If we are wise, we take this advice seriously and then this daily devotional time causes huge changes in our lives through the little nuggets of knowledge and truth God is planting in our hearts every day as we spend time with him.
But what often happens is that as we grow and mature and time goes on, we lose focus of what brought us this growth and maturity in the first place. We start neglecting the basics because we think daily prayer and daily Scripture reading are just for the new Christians. This is a big mistake.
While a daily devotional time may seem like a small thing, it’s not! It’s so important. Even just spending 30 minutes a day in prayer and in the Bible can be used by God to prepare you for mammoth breakthroughs in all kinds of areas in your life. As Psalm 119:30-32 (NLT) states:
I have chosen to be faithful; I have determined to live by your regulations. I cling to your laws. Lord, don’t let me be put to shame! I will pursue your commands, for you expand my understanding.”
4. If You Are Slowing Losing Old Friends from Your Previous Life and Gaining New Friends from Your New Life in Christ, This Often Leads to Big Breakthroughs with the Lord
When God enters our lives, everything changes in our hearts immediately. Suddenly, the internal lights are turned on. But it can take time for the rest of our outer lives to reflect this internal change. Old friends, for example, often need to be let go of because they are living in the world still and we are no longer desiring those old lifestyles. In love you want to be a witness to your old friends, but eventually you have to part ways since you are on a totally different path than them now.
It can be sad and it can seem unnecessary, but losing old friends and gaining new friends who are following Jesus like you is so important if you want more breakthroughs in your life.
As 2 Timothy 2:22 (NLT) states, “Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.”
5. If You Are Learning to Be Prayerful All the Time Rather Than Just Asking for Big Prayer Request, God Often Uses This to Create Huge Breakthroughs
We tend to see prayer as asking God for things. That is one part of prayer. But when you really study prayer in the Bible, you will see that God not only wants us to ask him for things we need but to also fellowship with him on a moment-to-moment bases.
Huge breakthroughs can certainly come when you ask God for these breakthroughs. But oftentimes the huge breakthrough comes not when we ask God for the breakthrough but when we start seeking God’s presence all the time rather than in just preselected prayer moments.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 (NLT) commands, “Always be joyful. Never stop praying.” These seem like two different commands. But they are actually connected. If you want the breakthrough of constant joyfulness, you must walk the path of constant prayerfulness.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, the deadline to enroll in AGW University will close tonight in just a few hours at 11:59pm.
I certainly cannot guarantee that if you enroll in AGW University that God will send you a spouse right away. These training courses are not magic and I would never want to mislead anyone by making them think I know a secret marriage formula.
However, what I can promise you is that if you are in a season of life where you are prepared to work hard and truly study what the word of God says about relationships, you will grow immensely by enrolling in AGW University. And while I would never claim to have a secret marriage formula, I have created a wise blueprint that you can follow to increase your chances of meeting the one God might have for you.
I believe so much in the biblical information packed into these courses that I offer a 30-day money back guarantee for anyone not fully satisfied with their experience, no questions asked. Here’s what a few recent students have said about their experiences:
If you enroll before the deadline, which is tonight at 11:59pm, you will get:
- All 5 relationship training courses, which is a total of 63 in-depth biblical classes. Each class has a video and the content is all in writing as well.
- In addition to lifetime access to these 5 courses designed specifically for Christian singles who want to know a biblical path for singleness and dating, you will also get lifetime access to the AGW University private Facebook group. This is where all the students can come together, share their struggles, make new friends, and learn from each other. I started this group as a little side bonus, but it has since blossomed into a thriving, encouraging community of likeminded people. This group has over 780 students in it thus far.
- Also, if you enroll before the deadline, I’m giving you three months of bonus email coaching with me for no additional tuition cost. This is where you can share your personal story with me and you and I can create an individualized plan just for you to help you follow the Lord’s leading in your life specifically.
- Lastly, for everyone who enrolls before 11:59pm tonight, I also giving a $50 scholarship.
Again, this is not a magical formula. Rather, this is an invitation to those of you who desire to go the next level and receive specialized relationship training that stems right from God’s word. Click here and you can see all the course content and all the other bonuses I haven’t even mentioned yet. I’ll see you over at AGW University. God bless!