Can Sexual Purity Be an Idol?

sexual purity church
1 Corinthians 1:30

There’s an assault on the church’s sexual purity. We are surrounded on all sides by a culture that glorifies external beauty, quick pleasure, and porn. So it’s no surprise to see the satanic claws of sexual immorality trying to squeeze the life out of Christians. Affairs, premarital sex, and the deadly glow of a smart phone late at night in the hands of a young boy with no accountability – these are the glaring sexual idols of our day.

But idolatry loves to swing from one extreme to the other.

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Christian Relationship Advice: When You Want Divine Intervention (4 Tips from John 2:1-12)

God help spouse
John 2:1-12

When you are a Christian and you are having relationship issues, you want nothing more than for Jesus to intervene. Whether you are struggling in your dating relationship or marriage, whether you are in a season of unwanted singleness, or whether you are just utterly confused on what you are supposed to do with the desires you have for a Christian relationship, you need Jesus to intervene.

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Christian Relationship Advice: When, Why, and How to Talk About Your Past Sexual Sins with Your Christian Partner

christian past sexual sin
Ephesians 5:11-17

One of the trickiest parts of Christian dating can be when you have past sexual sins. When should you tell your boyfriend or girlfriend about the sexual sins in your past relationships? What details should you share and not share with your boyfriend or girlfriend about your past mistakes in relationships? Should you talk about this early in the relationship or later on?

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Christian Relationship Advice: How to Not Deny Jesus for a Relationship

christian relationship advice how to remain faithful to Jesus
1 Peter 5:6-7

The Bible says that it is a good desire to want to be married. It also says this about a desire for singleness (1 Corinthians 7:1-7). The Bible does not say marriage or singleness are better for every Christian. Rather, marriage is better for those who are called by God to be married and singleness is better for those who are called by God to be single. 

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Christian Relationship Advice: How to Stop Going Back to Your Ex

How to stop going back to your ex1 John 5:21, Psalm 34:18

How can you stop going back to your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend? If you are a Christian and you want to do what is right, how can you get over someone you are attached to? Perhaps your ex is someone who hurts your or is a cheater and you know you should stay away but for some reason you keep getting back together. What can be done?

Here are 5 Christian relationship tips if you want to know how to stop going back to your ex.

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The One: How to Know and Trust God’s Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage

Click here for the paperback or eBook on Amazon

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4 Reasons Besides “Lust” that People Look at Porn

why do people look at porn
Mark 7:21

(Warning: This article is a bit more graphic and blunt than most of the material on I wanted to speak candidly to help those who might be struggling in this area, but for some the bluntness of this content could be offensive. That is not my intention. If you are sensitive to sexual language I would recommend not reading further.)

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How to Trust Again in a Christian Relationship After Betrayal and Heartbreak

healing betrayal Christian
Romans 3:2-4

How can you trust again after you have been betrayed, wounded, and heartbroken in the past? When you cannot trust someone in the present because you have been betrayed by someone else in the past, your current relationship will never be healthy until you deal with the betrayal that occurred.

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