5 Practical Ways Your Porn Addiction Is Keeping You Single

porn will keep you unmarried
1 Corinthians 7:9

Are you still single because of your porn addiction? Would God bless you with a Christian marriage if you were not actively using porn? What affect does porn have on your ability to get into a Christian relationship?

While there are many people who are addicted to porn in relationships and even married, there are not people in a healthy Christian marriage that are actively using porn.

Porn use will block God’s blessings because God will not bless you with idols or gifts that you can’t handle. However, I’ve talked about that side of things before. In this article I want to talk about 5 practical reasons that a porn addiction will actually keep you single. Sexual sin will certainly affect your spiritual readiness for blessings, but sexual sin will always keep you single in practical ways too.

Porn Use Will Keep You Single Because It Will Train You for a Selfish Fantasy Rather than Real Relationships

One of the most damaging effects of porn is that it will train you to live in a selfish fantasy. Porn is nothing like reality. The whole point of porn is to make the viewer feel like the center of the world and like some beautiful person is worshiping them.

While the sin of this is obvious, the practical effect this has on an individual is also extremely negative. The reason people watch porn is because they can’t get anyone in the real world to worship them like a porn scene does. Why is that? Because it’s not reality. No one wants to worship you and act like you are the most important person in the world because you’re not.

Porn makes you believe you are. Because of this you will stay single in the real world. If you want everyone and everything to fulfill your wildest fantasy, you will be stuck with porn forever because no one will ever treat you like that. This selfish view is sinful and not the way God designed human relationships to work.

A Porn Addiction Will Keep You Single Because It Will Keep You Isolated

Porn will keep you single because porn will keep you isolated. Many people want to be in a relationship with another human, but many of these people do not understand how these relationships are formed. It always amazes me how people wish they could be in a relationship and yet they spend all their time alone. You will never meet people if you live an isolated life. It literally makes no sense to think that you would get into a relationship when you never meet people. That’s impossible!

So how does this relate to porn keeping you single? Porn use causes you to live an isolated lifestyle for a variety of reasons. For one, people always use porn in isolated places. You will be alone in a locked room when you are watching porn. Being alone in a locked room is not the environment needed to meet people.

Porn will also keep you isolated because it will sap the God-given drive to pursue the opposite sex. A sex drive is not a bad thing. A sex drive can be used sinfully but it is not sinful itself. If someone is healthy and walking with God, their healthy sex drive should lead them to pursue someone. It’s not the only reason that they should get into a relationship, but attraction is a God-given gift that is one variable in relationships forming.

If you are constantly sapping your sex drive with porn use you will not have the natural motivation to pursue a relationship with someone, “But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion” (1 Corinthians 7:9).

This is one of the reasons I believe people in our society are getting married later in life or not at all. Because they are engaging in so much self-pleasure, there are less people in society motivated to get married.

A Porn Addiction Will Keep You Single Because It Will Keep You Ashamed and Feeling Unworthy

Another negative effect that porn use will create in your life is feeling ashamed and unworthy. When you feel badly about yourself and you don’t like how you are living, you will not be the type of person that other people will want to date or even get to know.

People can feel how you feel about yourself. If you are prideful, people will sense it. If you lack confidence, people sense it. Likewise, if you are ashamed and feeling unworthy about yourself, people will sense this too.

Feeling ashamed and unworthy will also cause you to date low caliber people because you will think you don’t deserve anything better. If you are addicted to porn you will know that you are not prepared to be married to someone who is walking with the Lord. But since you still have a desire for marriage, you will want to date and meet someone. So you will choose to date people you feel are as bad as you.

This is a recipe for disaster and this cycle of feeling bad about yourself and dating low caliber people will keep you single and far away from the Christian marriage you desire.

A Porn Addiction Will Keep You Single Because It Will Keep You Afraid and Awkward Around the Opposite Sex

Porn use also makes many people socially awkward and underdeveloped. Since you feel ashamed and dirty because of your hidden sexual sins, this will cause you to be sheepish and lowly around the opposite sex.

Porn also makes you awkward in social settings because many times the filth you are filling your mind with will pop into your head when you are trying to interact with people. You will become distant and distracted when you have a bunch of sinful sexual images stuck in your head.

Because porn keeps you isolated, you will also not develop the social skills needed to meet, date and marry someone. If you spent high school looking at porn and playing video games, you won’t have the social skills in college to interact with the opposite sex. If you continue your porn addiction through college, you will still be that awkward person in the adult world.

In short, porn stunts your relationship development which then obviously keeps you single.

A Porn Addiction Will Keep You Single Because Eventually It Will Consume Your Whole Life

There are many other reasons why a porn addiction will keep you single and unmarried. In summary, however, a porn addiction will keep you single because eventually it will totally take over your life.

Sexual sin, like all sin, is progressive. This means you will need to sin more and more to get the feelings you once got. So your porn addiction will take you to darker and darker places and will require more and more of your time over the years.

Eventually porn will completely dominate your life and you will be a slave to sexual sin full-time.

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