4 Ways to You Stop Unwanted, Intrusive Sexual Thoughts (Christian Advice)

Romans 12:21

There will always be a battle in our minds to some degree. So I’m not promising you that if you follow these steps you will never have an unwanted sexual thought ever again. However, there certainly are ways to lessen unwanted thoughts and deal with them much quicker when you do have them.

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5 Things God Will Do When He’s Preparing You to Break Out of Your Relationship Rut

2 Timothy 2:15

When I refer to this term, “relationship rut,” I’m talking about a negative pattern in your life when it comes to relationships. Perhaps you have not been on a date in over a decade. Perhaps you have been on a date a month for the past decade with someone new but nothing ever happens. Perhaps you keep getting sucked into long-term relationships that always end the same way – in heartache.

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