5 Types of Guys Women Should At Least Give a Chance

Ladies, Please Give These 5 Guys a Chance! (And Here’s Why!)

1 Corinthians 16:13-14

As a Christian single woman looking for a Christian husband, it can be slim pickings out there. (The same could be said to the Christian single men looking for a wife, but this article is for the women.)

4 Hints God Is Telling You to Just Keep Praying About Someone

Ephesians 6:18

When you are single and having feelings for someone, there does come a time where God will lead you to stop praying about someone and move forward one way or the other. God will either lead you two to be together or God will lead you to move on if this relationship is not going to happen. God does not want you praying endlessly about something that goes against his will for your life.

3 Signs God Is Warning You About a “Situationship”

Proverbs 7:18-19

By the term “situationship,” I’m referring to that type of connection you have with someone that is more than a friendship but less than a committed relationship. You are not just friends but you are not a boyfriend and girlfriend either. There is obvious chemistry between you two but your connection remains undefined.

3 Signs God Is Preparing You and a Friend to Be Something More

James 2:17

None of us know the future, so it’s not wise to try to predict what will happen. That’s not the point of this article. Rather, here we want to discuss some signs to help you recognize when something more is happening between you and a friend so you don’t miss what God is doing and so you don’t misjudge what God is not doing.