3 Reasons God Is Not Taking Away Your Sadness

Ecclesiastes 3:4

As every Christian knows, even though we have put our faith in God and are following Jesus, this does not mean we will now experience perfect joy on earth with zero problems. In fact, sometimes we can be in a prolonged season of painful sadness. But if God loves us and we love him, why is he allowing this sadness to continue? Why doesn’t he just take the sadness away?

In this article we will discuss 3 possible reasons God is not taking your sadness away.

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What Does the Bible Say About Losing God’s Favor?

what does the Bible say about God's favor
Jeremiah 2:11-13

What does the Bible say about losing God’s favor?

Everything good we get from God is all by grace. This means that God truly loves us and blesses us even though we don’t deserve this. However, the Bible is also clear that God gives extra favor to those who obey him (Psalm 5:12). This does not mean we earn blessings from God; it means that God will bless people with good things when they are prepared to handle those gifts in obedience.

So here are 4 ways you could be forfeiting God’s favor in your life.

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