What type of woman should a Christian man look for? What are the qualities of a woman who will struggle to be a loving wife in a Christian marriage? What are some red flags a Christian man should look for as he dates and pursues marriage?
Click here to purchase Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation .
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So, you meet a great Christian girl that you really like, you want to pursue her, but you don’t know how. What should you do? What if you come on too strong or too weak? What does “pursue” even mean anyway?
In this article I’m going to give some pointers to Christian guys on how to pursue a Christian girl.
God said David was a man after his own heart. But what does it mean to be a man after God’s own heart? And how can you be a man after God’s own heart?
By studying the life of David we can gather a lot of helpful truths that can assist us in our journey of becoming men after God’s own heart.
Christian dating advice for men, just like Christian dating advice for women, must start with the Bible. Dating is not a topic directly covered in the Bible, so Christians will have to take general truths that are in the Bible and apply them to the issues in dating.
Every guy is different. We all have some unique gifts and challenges. So not all of this Christian dating advice will apply to all Christian men. I’ll have to make some generalizations to write an article like this. But I believe these 6 pieces of dating advice apply to many Christian men.
I started dating my wife right after a seven month long mission’s trip in Liberia, West Africa. I had no intentions of this being my relationship timeline, but looking back, I can see how God used this mission’s trip to prepare me for marriage. I feel like God had to teach me to serve before he would allow me to lead a wife.
There are already so many great books on Christian singleness. Just do a Google search on “books on Christian singleness,” “Christian books about being single,” “best books for Christian singles,” “Christian books on finding a spouse,” “finding a godly husband,” “how to be a Christian in college.”
The results will be endless.
I’m sure you will find a lot of helpful advice in these Christian books about singleness. However, most of these Christian books about being single focus on one aspect of singleness: your relationship with God, godly dating, finding contentment as a Christian single, how to find a Christian spouse, and other such topics.
I believe the Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness is so special because it covers nearly every common question asked about singleness. I get right to the point in these thirty chapters. I don’t waste time with long stories. And I give you extremely practical steps to take in each of the four stages most Christian singles go through. It’s great for small group Bible studies or for individuals too.
If you want answers, this book on Christian singleness was written for you.
Below is the full description. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at MarkBallenger@ApplyGodsWord.com.
Hoping you find the love, security, and guidance you need during your season of Christian singleness.
For God’s glory and our good,