Here are 10 possible reasons for why God may be keeping you single even though you wish you could be in a relationship with a good woman.
How to Detect a Deceptive Woman
As a man, never say things like “All women are liars” or “Women can’t be trusted.” Some women are liars and some women can’t be trusted; but anytime we lump a large group into a narrow definition that is based upon our personal experiences with just a few people from that group, we are lying to ourselves.
The 6 Things You Need to Thrive as a Christian Man
There are things every human needs regardless of age or gender. Whether you are a child or you have been married for 60 years, you need love, respect, and knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
5 Reasons a Man Pursues One Woman Rather Than Other Women
What influences a man to pursue one woman over all the other choices?
5 Ways to Invite a Man to Pursue You
While many Christians have been taught that it’s the man’s job to pursue the woman (which is true), far less have been taught the equally important truth that it’s the woman’s job to invite the man to pursue.
6 Male Insecurities that Cause Problems in Dating and Prevent Marriage
As a Christian woman, you want a man who can understand your insecurities, a man who is patient with you as you work through them, and a man who is willing to grow with you in a committed relationship. If you want a man like that, one of the best things you can do is to be that type of woman to him.
4 Biblical Dating Tips for Introverted Christian Women
Here are 4 ways a Christian introverted woman can increase the chances of a man pursuing her.
3 Signs God Is Preparing a Quiet Man to Pursue You
Every guy is different, so we don’t want to overgeneralize how a certain group of men will behave. With that said, if you were going to divide good men into two camps, one way you could do that would be the expressive group and the quiet group.
4 Things a Woman Should Never Do with a Good Guy
When a good guy comes into your life, there’s not a whole lot you need to do. Rather, as a woman, you need to resist the urge to interfere with his manhood. He doesn’t want a woman to come in and tell him how to be a man. Rather, because he’s already a good man, he wants a woman in his life so he can love her as the man God has already made him to be.
4 Biblical Differences Between the Masculine Spirit and Feminine Spirit
When I use the word “spirit” in this article, I’m not talking about a force or the spiritual realm. Rather, I’m using this word “spirit” to mean an attitude, characteristic, or the immaterial parts of a person.