5 DARK Things God Will Show You When Someone Has Bad Intentions for You

2 Timothy 3:13

Only God can truly know what is going on in someone’s heart. We are not called to judge people’s motives and internal condition, but throughout Scripture we are warned to have discernment and to observe negative traits in people’s lives so we can avoid getting hurt or tempted by them.

So here are 5 dark things God will often show you about someone when this person has bad intentions for you.

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4 Signs God Is Telling You to End a Friendship

2 Timothy 2:22

If God does lead you to end a friendship, this does not mean you now need to be enemies with this person. Sometimes a friendship needs to end gradually by simply hanging out with this person less because God wants you to put your energy somewhere else. At other times God will tell you to abruptly cut this person out of your life because you’ve already tried to talk about the issues in the friendship but this person is not listening and is toxic to be around.

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AGW University 2020 + New Course Details

If you are Christian single person who wants to glorify God in marriage one day, I wanted to let you know about a unique resource I’ve created specifically for you. AGW University is where I offer in-depth biblical training for Christian singles who want to go to the next level in their walk with God, specifically when it comes to honoring the Lord in the area of relationships.

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3 Signs God Is Saying It’s Time to Open Your Heart to Someone

Proverbs 4:23

If you keep your heart closed towards someone you like, the relationship will never blossom like it could. But we also know that God commands us to guard our hearts according to Bible verses like Proverbs 4:23.

So here are 3 signs God will often use to tell you it’s time to open your heart to someone.

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