The Practical Side of the Holy Spirit

practical Holy Spirit
Ephesians 5:15-18, 1 Timothy 5:23

To use earthly things for their intended, useful purpose is to walk in step with the Holy Spirit. With a desire to make sure everyone knows that Christ is the ultimate solution for every problem, at times Christians can complicate simple problems. It is a good desire to explain and prove that without Christ we can truly do nothing (John 15:5). But the way this works out in real life is often misguided, as well intentioned as it may be.

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How to Have Good Motives

what does the bible say about good motives
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 6:1, NIV

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talks about a lot of different topics. The underlying theme that ties them all together is motives. One of the main points of Jesus most famous sermon is that God not only cares about what you do but why you do it.

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6 Ways to Read the Bible Better

better bible reading
BibleGatway: Psalm 119:18

If you struggle reading the Bible, you are not alone. Some people find it hard to read the Bible consistently, others find it generally hard to comprehend, and some just find a few sections of the Bible difficult to understand.

The mere fact that the Bible exists is evidence that God desires Christians to understand what has been written. Whether you are a seminary professor or a brand new Christian who just started reading the Bible, we can all improve our biblical comprehension.

So here are 6 ways to read the Bible better.

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Intertwined (2 Free Sample Chapters)

Read two free sample chapters from my newest book, Intertwined: Our Happiness Is Tied to God’s Glory (Two Free Sample Chapters PDF)

Intertwined by Mark Ballenger
Click the book cover to read two free sample chapters.

As children we imagined we would find the perfect spouse, the perfect job, buy the perfect house, go on perfect adventures, and well . . . have the perfect life. Somewhere along the way, however, we quickly realized we will experience many things on this earth, but perfection is certainly not one of them.

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Can You Pray Too Much?

can you pray too much
Matthew 6:7

Is it ever possible to pray too much? This question is both easy and hard to answer. The short answer is “No, you cannot pray too much.”

However, when we start talking about praying for specific people, places, and things over defined periods of time, we will need to apply wisdom and walk with the Spirit to answer this question in each personal situation people will encounter.

In other words, while you cannot pray too much, I believe it is possible to pray too much about certain things or certain desires, especially when the Holy Spirit is trying to move you forward but for some reason you won’t let a certain prayer request go.

So what does the Bible say about praying too much?

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3 Traits of Spiritually Powerful People

traits of powerful people
Genesis 39:23

It’s my belief that the amount of real spiritual power someone has is equal to how much credit they are willing to give God in their hearts and actions. God greatly uses those who are finally ready to give him all the glory. If you still desire the praise, then God isn’t going to curse you with the power.

This trait of possessing power and yet knowing it comes from God is always present in those God uses the most. Joseph is a perfect example of this.

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What Does the Bible Say About Blind Spots?

spiritual blind spots bible
Psalm 19:12-13

A blind spot is not a phrase you will find in the Bible, but it is a principle mentioned often in Scripture. A blind spot is an area in our lives that is negatively impacting us but that we cannot see. Like a blind spot when you are driving a car, spiritual blind spot that goes ignored can also lead to massive wrecks in life.

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