God’s love is so much greater than we can even know. Sometimes he’s spared you of immense pain you didn’t even realize you were in danger of experiencing.
10 Dating Tips Satan Uses to Prevent Your Godly Marriage
Rather that performing a demonic manifestation, the devil knows it is more effective to smuggle in hurtful ideas through other people (Revelation 2:9). This is particularly relevant when it comes to relationship advice.
4 Reasons God Permitted You to Get Hurt By Someone
Here are 4 possible reasons for why God permitted you to get hurt by someone.
5 Signs God Uses to Warn You About a Soul-Crushing Woman
When I say “a woman is crushing your soul,” I’m not referring to your eternal salvation. Rather, I’m saying your soul, the immaterial parts that make you who you are, is being assaulted and damaged by this woman. Proverbs 18:14, “A man’s spirit will endure sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?”
5 Biblical Rules to Help You Accurately Hear the Voice of God
Without Christ saving us by grace and through faith, and without the Holy Spirit entering into us, none of us can ever hear God properly no matter what rules we follow. As 1 Corinthians 2:12-13 states:
What Does the Bible Say About “Looking for The One” Versus “Waiting for The One”?
Inevitable, since I talk about so many topics revolving around “how to find the one,” I often get commends such as, “You should not look for the one. Just live your life and let the person come to you naturally. What God has for you will work itself out!”
4 Signs God Is Pruning You to Prepare You for Marriage
Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit” (John 15:1-2).
4 Biblical Marks of a Woman with Demonic Influence Sent to Attack You
Satan could try to attack you directly in an all-out confrontation. However, in most cases, that’s the last thing he will try to do. Before he reveals his presence, he will usually attack you from the shadows. Why? Because it’s much harder to defend against an enemy you don’t realize you have.
4 Signs God Is Telling You to Stop All Communication with a Man
It can be really difficult for a woman to know when she should stop talking to a man. Is he pursuing you or playing you? Is he trying to be respectful by going slow or is he just too passive? Is he inconsistent for a good reason or is he just a flaky man who is wasting your time?
6 Behaviors that Mean a Man Secretly Likes You
The Bible doesn’t give us direct verses about knowing if a man secretly likes a woman. However, through applying biblical principles to this topic, we can discover some helpful tips.