Do you have strong feelings for someone that you don’t know what to do with? Have you been waiting for a man to pursue you? Have you been hoping a woman finally shows interest in you? Is God telling you to keep hoping or to move on?
Here are 4 signs that often occur when God is saying, “Do not let that person go.”
And if you haven’t heard, the deadline to enroll in AGW University closes tonight, August 30th at 11:59pm.
If you enroll before the deadline, you get lifetime access to all 7 of my online relationship courses, 3 months of bonus one-on-one email coaching with me, lifetime access to the private study group which has over 1000 other students in it currently, and you will get the current scholarship.
For more information, feel free to read to the end of this article where I’ll share more details about this unique opportunity. Or you can click here to visit AGW University.
1. If You Are About to Let This Person Go Without Even Trying to Be with Them, This Could Be a Sign God Is Saying, “Don’t Let that Person Go”
As the old sports cliché says, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Some people are so worried about failing that they choose to not play the game.
When talking about relationships, it’s completely fine to willfully choose singleness if you feel called to do that (1 Corinthians 7:7). But if you are making this choice out of fear (2 Timothy 1:7, Psalm 56:3-4) even though you wish you could be in a relationship, your inactivity will always result in regret.
So there are two reasons God may be telling you that it’s not time to let someone go that you haven’t even tried to be with yet. First, God may bless your efforts. If you’re a woman, perhaps by giving this man extra attention, talking to him more, or inviting him to a group activity with you, this will spark his interest and he will start pursuing you. If you’re a man, perhaps this woman will respond positively if you just go for it and start talking to her, eventually asking her on a date.
On the other hand, perhaps God is telling you not to let this person go yet because he doesn’t want you to live with the regret and confusion that are going to occur if you don’t even try to be with this person. Perhaps he wants to spare you months or years of wondering, “Maybe I should have tried something. Maybe I missed my chance.”
Either way, if someone has the Christian qualities you admire and you have romantic interest in this person, God may lead you do something rather than just letting them go without even trying anything.
2. If You Want to Let This Person Go Without Giving Them Enough Time to Navigate the Relationship Situation, God Could Be Saying, “Don’t Let This Person Go”
When you’re being vulnerable with someone, it can be very hard to wait to see how this person responds. Perhaps you sent a guy a text and invited him to an event with you, but it’s been 12 hours and he hasn’t responded yet. Or perhaps you took a woman out on a date but you’re unsure of how she feels about you now.
When you’re staring at the wall just waiting for a response, it can seem like a lot of time is passing when in fact, it’s not. Give the guy more time to respond. Just wait and see before texting him again and revoking your invitation. Let the woman have a few days to process the date. Ask her out again and just see what happens before giving up and never talking to her again.
Of course there are times to simply move on. So how will you know what you should do? One good principle to remember is the golden rule, “And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them” (Luke 6:31). Try to put yourself in their position and ask, “Would I need more time if I were them?” This can help you know if God is saying to move on or to give them more time.
3. If You Want to Let Them Go Because You Know You Could “Settle Down” with This Person But You Don’t Feel Ready for that Yet, God Could Be Telling You, “Don’t Let Them Go”
Ironically, sometimes Christian singles want to move on from someone not because they can’t see a future with this person but rather because they can see a future with this person. In other words, sometimes people avoid the ones they know they could marry because they don’t feel ready for marriage.
If this is you, I would encourage you to reevaluate your own readiness for marriage. Perhaps you are ready but you are just surprised that this is happening so fast. Pray for wisdom and look at the Scriptures. If you are able to fulfill the biblical role of a husband or wife (Ephesians 5:21-33, 1 Peter 3:1-7, Colossians 3:18-21), don’t run from that calling just because you thought it wouldn’t happen right now.
4. If There Is No Logical Reason to Let This Person Go, It’s Likely God Isn’t Telling You to Let Them Go
Sometimes people want to move on from someone because moving on is their default position. When they don’t know what to do with their feelings, they assume this means they should let this person go.
It’s not wrong to think about someone. It’s not wrong to have questions. It’s not an automatic sign of idolatry if you have strong feelings for someone. Don’t be afraid of your own emotions. If there is no biblical or logical reason for you to move on from this person, usually God isn’t going to tell you to move.
Of course he might tell you to move on even if there is no sin issue involved. He might just tell you this is not the right person for you. But more often than not, he will allow you to live life in a wise way so that you naturally see the answers through the facts occurring in reality.
It’s through living our lives that we glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Thus, God isn’t going to rob us of living our lives by always telling us the future without having lived it.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, the deadline to enroll in AGW University will close tonight at 11:59pm.
I’m not promising you lavish blessings if you enroll in these courses. However, what I can promise you is that if you are in a season of life where you are prepared to work hard and truly study what the word of God says about relationships, you will grow immensely by enrolling in AGW University. And while I would never claim to have a secret marriage formula, I have created a wise blueprint that you can follow to increase your chances of meeting the one God might have for you.
I believe so much in the biblical information packed into these courses that I offer a 14-day money back guarantee for anyone not fully satisfied with their experience, no questions asked. Here’s what a few recent students have said about their experiences:
If you enroll before the deadline, which is tonight at 11:59pm, you will get:
- Lifetime access to all 7 relationship training courses, which is a total of 73 in-depth biblical classes. Each class has a video and the content is all in writing as well.
- You will also get lifetime access to the AGW University private Facebook group. This is where all the students can come together, share their struggles, make new friends, and learn from each other. I started this group as a little side bonus, but it has since blossomed into a thriving, encouraging community of likeminded people. This group has over 1000 students in it thus far. (You don’t need to join this group to get the course information. This group is just for those of you who want the community and connection with other AGW students.)
- Also, if you enroll before the deadline, I’m giving you three months of bonus email coaching with me for no additional tuition cost. This is where you can share your personal story with me and you and I can create an individualized plan just for you to help you follow the Lord’s leading in your life specifically.
- Lastly, for everyone who enrolls before 11:59pm tonight, I am also giving you a $60 scholarship.
Again, this is not a magical formula. Rather, this is an invitation to those of you who desire to go to the next level and receive specialized relationship training that stems right from God’s word.
Click here and you can see all the course content and all the other bonuses I haven’t even mentioned yet. I’ll see you over at AGW University.
God bless!