How to Pursue a Christian Girl

how to pursue a Christian girl
Ephesians 5:22-33

So, you meet a great Christian girl that you really like, you want to pursue her, but you don’t know how. What should you do? What if you come on too strong or too weak? What does “pursue” even mean anyway?

In this article I’m going to give some pointers to Christian guys on how to pursue a Christian girl.

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Does God Want Me to Date Her/Him?

does God want me to date
James 1:5

When I was single the hardest part for me was all the unknowns. Some really struggle with loneliness in their singleness, others struggle because they like someone who does not like them back, but for me the struggle was more about knowing what God did or did not want me to do.

I would have been sad if he said, “Don’t date,” but I also would have been relieved if he would have said anything that clearly.

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