3 Ways to Prepare for Marriage as a Christian Single Man

young men Christian
Titus 2:6-7

I started dating my wife right after a seven month long mission’s trip in Liberia, West Africa. I had no intentions of this being my relationship timeline, but looking back, I can see how God used this mission’s trip to prepare me for marriage. I feel like God had to teach me to serve before he would allow me to lead a wife.

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What Should You Do When You Are Angry at God?

What Should You Do When You Are Angry at God?
Psalm 42:9-11

What should you do when you are angry at God? This is a question we wish never had to be asked. We all want to be content and fully in love with God all the time.

But things happen in life. Problems arise. Jobs are lost. Singleness lingers. Marriages disintegrate. People who we love die. And for some Christians, this results in anger towards God.

So is it ever right to be angry at him? Or is it a sin to be mad at God? And if it is a sin, how are you to deal with that anger towards God?

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What Should You Do When You Feel Defeated?

feel defeated bible christian

What is the most important thing you can tell a Christian who feels defeated? Although “we have the victory in Christ,” many times throughout our journeys we will feel defeated. Whether it’s because we are dealing with repetitive sin, spiritual warfare, hormonal imbalance, a relational conflict, or even a if you are dealing with physical pain, the most important thing to remember when you feel defeated is that you must never give up.   

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Christianity 101: The Importance of the Church (Part 8)

what is the church 101
Key Text: Romans 12:1-18

So far in this Christianity 101 series, our topics have been mainly centered on an individual’s relationship with God. Not only must individual Christians learn to love God, we must learn to love other people and we must also learn to be loved by other Christians.

While Christianity must always be personal, it must be lived out within a Christianity community, specifically within a local church. So what is the church? Why is the church so important for our personal transformation? And how can we love other Christians and be loved by them in the context of a local church? 

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The Biblical Difference Between Discipline, Punishment, and Consequences

difference between punishment discipline bible
Hebrews 12:11

According to the Bible, God’s grace saves Christians from the punishment we deserve, but it does not always save us from the consequences of our actions and it never saves us from God’s discipline.

When it comes to leading, parenting, responding to offenses, or just having authority over people in all the varies roles that exist on earth, it is crucial to know the biblical differences between punishment, discipline, and consequences.

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Abusing Grace

absuing God's grace
Romans 6:15

If you were forced to explain the difference between Christianity and every other religion that has ever existed, you could do so in many ways, but also with just one word, “grace.” Grace is God’s gift. Grace is undeserved. Everything good God gives us, including our very salvation, is through Jesus Christ and then given to us in grace. Grace, however, can be abused so easily.

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Private to Public Is Always God’s Order

God private public
“And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel.” -Luke 1:80

Whatever you want to be in public, you need to start training for it in private.

When you start studying the lives of those God has used greatly and told us about in his word, you notice a similar theme in all of their journeys. The details are different but every one of those men and women who God has used in significant ways have always gone through a period of private training with the Lord before he used them publicly.

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