Perhaps one of the most helpful points to make when trying to figure out your calling is to define the differences between your “purpose” and your “calling.”
When I use the phrase “an impossible situation,” I’m referring to those challenges in life that seem too hard for us to get through. Perhaps you have been given terrible news from the doctor, perhaps you are dealing with a really toxic work environment, or perhaps you have been single for so long you have begun to believe it is impossible to actually meet any single Christians who actually want to please the Lord like you do.
If God does lead you to end a friendship, this does not mean you now need to be enemies with this person. Sometimes a friendship needs to end gradually by simply hanging out with this person less because God wants you to put your energy somewhere else. At other times God will tell you to abruptly cut this person out of your life because you’ve already tried to talk about the issues in the friendship but this person is not listening and is toxic to be around.