Here are 5 amazing things that God often uses to reveal the one he wants you to marry.
Perhaps you sensed God telling you to take a season of time where you just focused on him and purposely did not seek to be in a relationship. Or perhaps you broke up with someone and you knew you needed some time to heal with the Lord.
But how will you know when this season of fasting from dating should be over? Here are 4 signs God is telling you it’s time to start trying to date again after you took a break for a while.
Psalm 18 is a powerful prayer penned by David when the Lord delivered him out of the hands of his enemies. While we may have human enemies attacking us just as David did, the truths in Psalm 18 can also be used to form prayers to protect us from other types of enemies as well – depression, anxiety, a financial crises, relational issue, temptations and so on.
So here are 5 prayers from Psalm 18 that God can use to protect you from your enemy.