No one truly knows the heart of another except God himself. Therefore, when we are trying to know if someone’s internal intentions are good or bad towards us, God will actually show us external signs that gives us helpful clues about someone’s internal motives.
Here are 5 things God will show you when someone has good intentions for you.
And if you haven’t heard, my new book was just released. It’s called Christ-Centered Dating: Pursuing a Relationship that Glorifies God. And in celebration of the launch of this new book, I’m giving you a free bonus course from AGW University if you purchase this book before February 17th (11:59pm). The free course is called 10 Steps to Meet The One: How to Step Out in Faith Rather than “Just Waiting” in Fear.

In Christ-Centered Dating, I unpack a very important concept that I believe is desperately needed right now. Traditionally, the church has taught Christian singles who want to be married to “Just wait on God and glorify him. He will then give you a spouse in his timing.” I believe this is wrong and will lead you astray. Rather than trying to glorify God so he will give you a spouse, I believe God wants you to pursue a spouse as a way of glorifying him. This is a huge, paradigm shifting concept that dramatically changes the way you approach relationships.
For more information about this book and this free bonus course, read to the end of this article.
1. God Will Give You Evidence of Their Good Intentions that Does Not Come Directly from Their Mouth or Actions
When you are getting all your information from a single source, you are putting yourself at greater risk of being deceived than if you had multiple sources. Think of a reporter doing research for a story. If they only had one source who was making lavish claims, that reporter would be making a big mistake by just publishing that story without first verifying if that source was reliable through consulting other sources.
This is one of the reasons the Bible is so trustworthy. There is one consistent message from Genesis to Revelation, but God used many different people to write this one message down (2 Peter 1:21).
Likewise, when God wants you to trust someone, he will give you opportunities to verify this person’s words and actions through multiple sources (1 Timothy 3:7). Someone can say and do the right thing in front of you. But only a genuine person will be able to be so consistent that other people see the same things that you see even when you are not around.
2. Good Intentions Are Marked By Clear Intentions
Shady people shadow their intentions. You won’t know why they are showing interest in you. They will just give you attention and try to do things that they think you want them to do. Only after they make you happy will they then make their intentions known. They use this order because they try to make you feel indebted to them before they reveal what they want from you to influence you to do something that you normally would not do.
Additionally, instead of shadowing their intentions, sometimes they just straight out lie about their intentions. They will say they are interested in one thing but over time their actions will show you that they are truly after something very different.
However, when someone has good intention, they make their intentions clear and those intentions remain the same throughout the course of their interactions with you. If someone wants to get to know you to see if there is a romantic connection, that’s exactly what they will do. If someone wants to date you to see if marriage is God’s will for you both, that’s exactly what they will do.
Clear intentions are a sign of good intentions (1 John 1:5-7).
3. Consistency Regardless of the Varying People, Places and Things
When someone has repeatedly shown up on time, you don’t worry about them showing up late to an important event. If they are late every now and then, then you will worry they might be late to that important event. Why? Because trust is built on consistency. When someone is inconsistent, you don’t trust them.
This is why it’s so important to go through healthy phases of dating. Someone may be very consistent to you because you two have been in very consistent environments and situations together. But to know if someone is truly trustworthy, you need to see if they can be consistent when the people, places, and things around you both start to change.
Only when they treat you the same in different environments can you be confident that they actually have good intentions for you. As Proverbs 17:17 states, “A friend loves at all times . . . .”
4. They Will Pass the Truth Equation
The truth equation is “time + actions = the truth.”
A fake person can do the right thing for a short period of time. A fake person can say the right thing for a long period of time. But only a true person can do the right thing for a long period of time.
This is why you must never rush true love. For love to be shown as true love, it has to pass the truth equation, which takes time. Song of Solomon 8:4 (NIV), “Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.”
For good or bad, whatever someone does over a significant period of time is the truth about that person.
5. If They Are Seeking to Do You Good So That You Might See God’s Glory and Not Just Their Goodness
In Matthew 5:16, Jesus said, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” But then in Matthew 6:1, Jesus also said, “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.” Is Jesus contradicting himself?
No. When you look closely at what Jesus said in these two verses, he was talking about the same thing but in two different ways. In Matthew 5:16, he was talking about what you should do and the motive you should have. In Matthew 6:1, he was talking about what you should do and the motive you should not have. In both verses Jesus was saying that other people should see our good deeds, but we must be careful that our motive is not to be seen by them for our own glory but rather so that God might be glorified.
Likewise, when it comes to romantic relationships, a true Christian who loves Jesus will actually be seeking to love and serve you so that you might see more of God’s goodness and glory. They will want to be a light pointing to Jesus and not a light pointing to themselves.
This is actually a big theme I unpack much more deeply in my new book called Christ-Centered Dating: Pursuing a Relationship that Glorifies God. And if you purchase this book before February 17th, I’m also give you one of my most important AGW University courses called 10 Steps to Meet The One.
If you’re interested in this content, here’s the steps to take:
Step 1: Before 2/17/2023 (11:59pm), purchase Christ-Centered Dating on Amazon in any format (paperback, eBook, audiobook) by clicking here: https://amzn.to/3Hc50Mv
Step 2: Email your proof of purchase to here: bonuscourse@applygodsword.com
(You can simply forward your Amazon receipt/confirmation email to the above email. Or you can also take a screenshot of the receipt/confirmation and send it to the above email.)
Step 3: Within 24 hours, once your proof of purchase has been verified, you will receive an email with the 100% off scholarship code for the free bonus course (along with the link to enroll in the course).
Step 4: Enroll in the course, 10 Steps to Meet The One. At check out, use your scholarship code. The course can also be found here: https://agwuniversity.teachable.com/p/10-steps-to-meet-the-one
Step 5: Enjoy the book and free bonus course! And if you find the book helpful, it would be a big blessing to me if you could leave a review on Amazon. This helps other people feel more comfortable purchasing the book and learning the important truths inside of it.
God bless!
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