3 Signs God Is Trying to Remove Someone from Your Life

1 Corinthians 5:13

God can do anything he wants, whenever he wants, and by whatever method he wants. So if God doesn’t want someone in your life, why wouldn’t he just remove them instantly rather than “trying” to remove them? Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Trying to Remove Someone from Your Life

Why Men Must “Not Care” About Failing

Romans 8:31

I’m not talking about “not caring” like in nihilism, which is the belief that nothing really matters and there’s no meaning to life. Rather, I’m talking about “not caring” in the Christian sense where you die to fear (Matthew 10:28), you die to people’s opinion of you (Galatians 1:10), and you even die to yourself (Luke 9:23). Continue reading Why Men Must “Not Care” About Failing

5 Signs You’re Unknowingly Projecting a Feminine Vibe as a Man to Women

Philippians 2:14

Godly, feminine women are attracted to godly, masculine men. If you want to be with a beautiful Christian woman, the more feminine you act, the less likely your desire will be fulfilled. Continue reading 5 Signs You’re Unknowingly Projecting a Feminine Vibe as a Man to Women

3 Signs God Is Saying, “When They Come Back, Reject Them”

1 Corinthians 15:33

Sometimes we equate another person’s choices as God’s will for us. But just because someone pursues you or expresses interest in you does not mean this is definitely the will of God for you to be with this person. Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Saying, “When They Come Back, Reject Them”

4 Reasons Christian Women Don’t Fall in Love with Nice Guys

1 Timothy 3:4-5

As I explained in my article called 4 Reasons a Christian Man Should Not Be Nice, I am using the phrase “nice guy” in a very specific way that may not mean the same thing you mean when you use that phrase. Continue reading 4 Reasons Christian Women Don’t Fall in Love with Nice Guys