3 Signs God Will Give You a Spouse Once You Stop Wanting One So Bad

2 Chronicles 1:11-12

Here are 3 signs that often occur when God is waiting to bless you with a spouse once you stop wanting one so bad.

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1. If Your Desire for Marriage Is So Strong that It’s Paralyzing You Because You’re Afraid to Make a Mistake, God May Bless You with a Spouse Once You Stop Wanting One So Bad

In the points ahead, we will discuss some of the spiritual reasons for why God might wait to give you a spouse. However, let’s first discuss some of the practical reasons.

Whenever God has plans to bless us, including when it comes to relationships, he will usually include us in the process. We are not earning the good things he plans to give us through our good works. But through the good works he leads us to do, we often reap many good benefits (Galatians 6:8-9). As James 1:25 explains, “But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”

So what prevents us from doing what God wants us to do? Sometimes we get paralyzed when we panic about making mistakes. This is really clear when it comes to relationships, “What if I say the wrong thing? What if I get rejected? What if I get into a relationship with this person and they betray me? What if I marry this person one day but then I realize I made a mistake?” All of these fears can cause you to just sit there and worry.

Sometimes we fear making a mistake because we want something too much. If you want a spouse because you think this is the only path to meaning, to happiness, and to feeling worthy of love – this is not healthy. Yes, marriage is a blessing from the Lord. But if you allow it to get too big in your mind, you will freak yourself out and miss out on all the other blessings God is sending too.

2. If Your Desire for Marriage Has Slipped Into Idolatry, God May Bless You with a Spouse Once You Stop Wanting One So Bad

Some people thing God is a narcissist. When they hear that he made us for his own glory and the he demands all of our worship, they feel like he is being self-centered. The reason they think this is because they are thinking of God like another human. We all know that if I or you or anyone else said that they deserved all the glory, that would be crazy-talk. But we have to remember that God can’t lie (1 John 1:5). When God says he deserves all the glory, he’s simply stating the truth.

Additionally, God is love (1 John 4:8). Thus, everything God does is loving. When God commands us to worship him, he knows this is what is best for us. He would be unloving if he made us to worship someone or something besides himself because then we would not have the best. He is the best. He knows that. So he made us for himself.

As God explains in Jeremiah 32:38-39, “And they shall be my people, and I will be their God. I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me forever, for their own good and the good of their children after them.”

Thus, God loves us too much to give us our idols. If God does allow you to have an idol, he only does so in order to show you that it will fail you. Marriage is a good thing that glorifies God. But if you have made marriage your god, your true God wants you to repent of that first so you can enjoy marriage in a way that aligns with your main purpose in life – to love the Lord.

3. If You Are Putting Too Much Pressure on the Opposite Sex and Inadvertently Pushing Them Away, God May Wait to Bless You with a Spouse Once You Stop Wanting One So Bad

Ironically, the people who are least concerned with what people think of them are usually the ones who make the best impression on people. The people who aren’t afraid of losing friends by being themself are usually the ones who have the most friends. The people who have learned to be happy without other people making them happy are the ones who experience the most happiness with other people.

The point is, when you want another person to be something they can’t be, you end up losing out on what they could be to you. When it comes to earthly blessings, you have to let it all go before God can bless you with something better than you imagined (2 Chronicles 1:11-12, Matthew 6:33, Matthew 16:25, Matthew 19:28-30).

This is a big topic and so much more needs to be said. In fact, I have a whole course on this topic at AGW University. It’s called Heart Check: How to Prepare Your Heart for a Godly Relationship.

So if you want to learn with me in ways that go beyond what is possible in my short articles and videos, I encourage you to explore AGW University. By trying something new, you never know what could happen!

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Click here to learn more before all the spots are filled and before the August 30th deadline!