If you’re a Christian man and you’re interested in a woman, how will you know if these desires are really from God or if they are just from yourself?
Here are 4 signs that often mean your desire for a woman truly is from God.
And I wanted to let you know there’s only one more day to enroll in my relationship training courses at AGW University.
I’ve designed these biblical courses for Christian singles who want to prepare for their future marriage. At AGW University, you will learn how to get your heart ready, how to identify a good match for you, and how to proceed forward into God’s will for your relationship future.
For more information about the current scholarship, bonuses, and coaching with me, click here before the August 30th deadline.
1. If Your Desire for This Woman Aligns with the Principles God Has Taught You About Your Calling as a Man, This Is a Great Sign Your Desire for This Woman Really Is from God
Of course the wife has an equally important role. Following God will always be a team effort in a marriage and a family. As a husband, however, you will be called to lead the family into God’s will. As Ephesians 5:24 states, “Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.”
Before God will allow you to lead one of his daughters like this, he will first take you on a journey as a man. He wants you to be going in the right direction. If you’re not, you will not just be leading yourself astray. You could end up leading your wife and kids astray too.
Thus, when you are assessing if your feelings for this woman are really from God or not, you have to take a step back and remember what the Lord has been teaching you about being a man of God. Will she help or hurt the path you are seeking to walk with Jesus? Will she assist your efforts to bring glory to God or will she detract?
When you see evidence that she will be a good partner in your calling as a man of God, this is a great sign your desire for her is really from God.
2. If Your Connection with This Woman Is Similar to the Connection Other Marriages Have that You Admire, This Could Be a Sign Your Desire for This Woman Is Really from God
I’m not saying that you should try to recreate what God has created in someone else’s marriage. Your relationship with your future wife is going to be unique. God does not want you to mirror other marriages exactly.
However, because all true Christians are seeking to follow the Scriptures, there should always be some similarities in our lives, including when it comes to healthy marriages. Will you be able to love and cherish this woman as the men you admire love and cherish their wives (Ephesians 5:29)? Will she be able to respect and submit to you as the wives you admire are submitting to and respecting their husbands?
As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” Looking to other mature marriages as a model to follow is wise. If you feel they are following Christ well, make sure the qualities they have can be seen in your connection with who you pursue. Don’t try to copy them exactly. But do look to them for guidance.
3. If Your Desire for This Woman Is Not Contaminated with Worldliness, This Is a Good Sign This Desire Is from God
When God is leading, not only will there be evidence of this (Galatians 5:22-24), but there will also be a lack of evidence that the flesh is leading (Galatians 5:19-21). This principle can really help you when you’re trying to figure out if your desire for a woman is from God or from yourself.
Why do you want her? Your answer to that question can help you know what’s really fueling this desire for her. If you want her so you can have a wife to love and serve with, that is a great desire. If you want her so you can look good to others or so you can fulfill your pornographic fantasies, that’s not good.
As 1 John 2:16 explains, “For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.” When God gives you a desire for a woman, it will be a pure desire rooted in Christian character.
4. If You Sense God’s Pleasure with You When You Pursue Her, This Is a Good Sign God Gave You This Desire for Her
Many men feel like they can either follow God with all their heart or they can follow God with some of their heart because they also want to be married one day. This is not at all what God desires for you.
If God has called you to marriage, he isn’t just okay with you pursuing a woman. He doesn’t just allow it for those of us who really want it. Rather, God is pleased when you pursue the woman he has for you (Proverbs 18:22). It makes him happy when you act like a man and she acts like a woman and you both form a couple that reflects Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:22-33).
Thus, when you sense the Lord’s pleasure with your pursuit and relationship with this woman, you will know this desire for her is really from God.
Do you need assistance in preparing your heart for marriage in a biblical way? If so, I created AGW University for you.
Through these courses, we look at the Scriptures to help you heal from past relationship wounds, prepare for new relationship opportunities, and to know how to follow the will of God for your relationships.
For more information, click here to before the August 30th deadline.