If you’re a Christian woman who has feelings for a Christian man, how will you know if these desires are really from God or if they are just from yourself?
Here are 4 signs that often mean your desire for a man truly is from God.
And I wanted to let you know there’s only a few more days to enroll in my relationship training courses at AGW University.
I’ve designed these biblical courses for Christian singles who want to be prepared for their future marriage. At AGW University, you will learn how to get your heart ready for a relationship, how to identify a good match for you, and how to proceed forward into God’s will for your relationship future.
For more information about the current scholarship, bonuses, and coaching with me, click here before the August 30th deadline.
1. If Your Desire for This Man Aligns with the Principles God Taught You in Your Season of Preparation for Marriage, This Is a Great Sign Your Desire for This Man Really Is from God
All of our stories are different. However, before God gives us a weighty blessing (like marriage), he usually puts us through a season of preparation.
For some this will happen throughout your teenage years and then you will get married in your early twenties. For others, you will go through a season of preparation in your 20s or 30s right before God bless you with a spouse. And for others of you, it’s possible that you will have your season of preparation later in life.
While each of our seasons of preparation for marriage will be at different times and will include different lessons, you can be sure God will be preparing you if he’s called you to marriage one day.
Thus, you will know that your desire for a man really is from God when your desires align with what God taught you about relationships during your season of preparation. Don’t let the feelings of the moment tempt you into forgetting what God has already taught you (Proverbs 19:2, Proverbs 21:5, Proverbs 22:3, Proverbs 22:6). He taught you those lessons for a reason. He will use this past preparation to guide you in the present.
2. If Other Mature Christians Are Confirming that You Are Making Good Choices with This Man, This Could Be a Sign Your Desire for This Man Is Really from God
God always wants our relationship with him to be personal. However, this is different than having a private relationship with God. The Lord wants us to include other Christians in our walk with him. God designed us to need each other.
Proverbs 12:5, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” When your desire for a man is really from God, the Holy Spirit in you will also be operating in the Christians around you. I’m not saying every Christian will see this relationship like you do. However, it is a red flag if no other Christians see this relationship like you do.
The people in your life who love you should feel good about this man too. It may take time for them to get to know him. They may have their own issues and wounds that complicate this. But in the end, God often speaks through other people in our lives to help bring the needed confirmation we seek (Matthew 18:19-20, Galatians 6:2).
3. If Things Feel Different as You Interact with This Man Compared to Your Past Relationship Experiences, This Could Be a Sign Your Desire Really Is from God
Have you ever asked God, “Why did you let me have all those relationship experiences in the past? Couldn’t you have spared me of all that and just introduced me to my future husband?”
There are many answers to questions like that. We make choices for ourselves and thus we can’t blame God if we made a mistake (Proverbs 19:3). However, one answer that you may not have thought of is that God allowed you to get your hopes in the past for other men because he is now going to show you how different it is once you meet the man he has for you.
Without those past experiences where you lacked peace, where your conscience wasn’t clear, or where things just weren’t clicking on an emotional level, it would have been much harder for you to know that you now have peace, that your conscience really is clear, and that you and this man really are connecting emotionally on a deep level.
4. If You Can See the Potential of Your Union with This Man Being a Witness to the World for Christ, This Is a Good Sign Your Desires for This Man Really Are from God
To know what God wants for you individually, it can be helpful to remember what God wants for all people ultimately. He wants us to glorify him (1 Corinthians 10:31). This is his supreme goal for your future marriage as well.
According to Ephesians 5:22-33, God made the husband and wife to reflect Christ and the church. When the world sees your marriage, God wants them to be pointed to Jesus. Will your relationship with this man help accomplish this goal?
If the answer is yes to that question, that’s a great sign your desire for this man really is form God.
Do you need assistance in preparing your heart for marriage in a biblical way? If so, I created AGW University for you. Through these courses, we look at the Scriptures to help you heal from past relationship wounds, prepare for new relationship opportunities, and to know how to follow the will of God for your relationships.
For more information, click here before the August 30th deadline.